Shantilal Shah Engineering College - [SSEC] has sundry programs to offer to the students as per their liking. Following are the details of Course and Fee structure of Shantilal Shah Engineering College - [SSEC]:-
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Electronics and Communication Engineering
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Production Engineering
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Information Technology [IT]
Bachelor of Technology [BTech] In Electrical Engineering
Master of Technology [MTech] In Civil Engineering
Master of Technology [MTech] In Electrical Engineering
Master of Technology [MTech] In Electronics and Communication Engineering
Master of Technology [MTech] In Information Technology [IT]
What about the Placement ?
My or our college "Shantilal Shah Engineering College" is located in Bhavnagar from the centre of the city to 10 km on sidsar -Slang road. In our college on my admission time there are limited classroom and building but now a day there is few new building construction on completed on this year. Here Wifi, library, canteen, seminar hall, student store, computer lab, workshop etc. Special in our Mechanical engineering department has full staff and regular in the laboratory and workshop.