J Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre was established in 1991 Nestled in the rocky semi-desert terrain of Mt Abu, a hill resort in south west Rajasthan, lies J Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre, a hospital, albeit with a difference. The college has been accredited by the National Board of Examinations (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India)
The institution offers courses like DNB in Family Medicine, Graduate Programme in Ophthalmology, Diploma in Ophthalmic Techniques, Graduate programme in Nursing, Diploma in Nursing, Training in Nursing, and DNB in Ophthalmology etc.
Facts and Figures of J Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre
Establishment Year |
1991 |
College Type |
Private |
Director of the College |
Dr. Partap Midha |
Approval |
How to Reach |
160 kms from Udaipur, 750 kms from New Delhi |
Why to choose J Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre?
What is the eligibility for BSc in Ophthalmology
10+2 or its equivalent in the science stream (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) with minimum 45% marks. Applicants' minimum age should be 17 years.