Faculty of Technology In Gujarat - College Courses List

Faculty of Technology

Nadiad, Nadiad, Gujarat   |   ESTD : 1968   |   Approved By: AICTE   |  NBA   |   Type: Private
0 Reviews   |   0268-2520502   |   vcddit@yahoo.co.in
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Overview Information

About College

The Faculty of Technology is one of the oldest and the biggest constituent of Dharmsinh Desai University.  Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology (DDIT) Nadiad, Gujarat, India was established in 1968 by Dharmsinh Dadubhai Desai,who then was a member of Parliament. It is accredited by UGC and NAAC. It has been accredited by NBA and AICTE.

  • It achieved autonomous status under Gujarat University in 1991, and Deemed University status in June 2000
  • The institute was renamed as Dharmsinh Desai University (DDU) and got full university status in 2005
  • The faculty also offers courses leading to Master of Computer Applications, Master of Technology and Doctoral Programs in various branches of Engineering.
  • The University further signed a MoU with Bosch-Rexroth in 2013. It provides opportunity for the students  to avail special labs, training and studying in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering and Instrumentation and Control Engineering


  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • Department of Instrumentation & Control


  • R & D Center
  • Shah-Shulman Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology
  • Environmental Audit Cell
  • Structural Design Center and Anchor Institute for Chemicals & Petrochemicals

Extracurricular Activities

  • National Cadet Corps (NCC)



Number of Books


Book Titles


Reference Books




Number of Journals


Back Volumes of Journals


Online Journals



Clarotechnico – It ia a Technical Fest organizes various events  Robolympics, Quizzare, Presentations, WebSafari, TechDisc and many more to motivate the spirits of the youth


  • The organization in UK, the 'Oxford Summit of Leaders' for the first time has given award to a university outside Europe and Dharamsinh Desai University was privileged to get this award in November 2013
  • Survey of Outlook, 2011–12 gave 95th rank to The Faculty of Technology of DDU 
  • DDU was ranked 5th among emerging colleges of India in Competition Success Review 2010 in July 2010.
  •  India Today ranked DDU in the top 25 engineering colleges by in 2007 and 2009.
  • Outlook magazine in 2007 ,ranked the Faculty of Technology, Dharamsinh Desai University, as the 7th best private engineering college in India
  • The rankings from EFY (Electronics for You) magazine has updated the Faculty of Technology to rank 12th in India amongst private colleges and rank 13th in general rankings in the West Zone

College Infrastructure and Facility

Student Discussion