Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women - [BNCA] has sundry programs to offer to the students as per their liking. Following are the details of Course and Fee structure of Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women - [BNCA]:-
Bachelor of Architecture [BArch]
Master of Architecture [MArch]
What is the eligibility criteria?
A Candidate should have passed the H.S.C. or 10+2 or equivalent examination minimum 50 percent aggregate marks or Diploma in Engineering under 10+3 Scheme of the central and state governments and secured a minimum 50 percent aggregate marks or international baccalaureate diploma, after 10 years of schooling with 50 percent aggregate marks and mathematics as a compulsory subject or the educational qualification as stipulated in the revised norms laid down by COA and the Director of Technical Educ