JEE Tamil Nadu 2019-20 Cutoff Opening and Closing Rank For B.Tech & M.Tech Admission

Tamil Nadu Engineering Entrance Examination

Engineering, a profession which has taken the world by storm in this era, evokes vast popularity amongst students of the science domain. The path breaking profession offers innovative and unique challenges to professionals. Lakhs of students all over the country participate in Engineering Entrance Examinations. Many national and State Level Engineering Exams are thus conducted as a result. The Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA) is conducted every year to help students pursue their dreams. Further, these scores are given high prominence from Top Notch Engineering Institutes located within the state. Students require a lot of determination, skill and hard work in order to succeed in the TNEA Examination. Thus, they should pay exquisite attention to their 12th boards studies along with reading other books related to science and technology. Further, its important to follow a good diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle to succeed in such examinations. Let us have a look at the cut off list for Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission Examinations:

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 College Name Branch Open Backward Minority Backward Muslims SC ST
Ariyalur Engg. College Civil Engg. 104 --- --- --- --- ---
Ariyalur Engg. College Computer Sci. 90.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Ariyalur Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 82.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Ariyalur Engg. College EEE 120 --- --- --- --- ---
Ariyalur Engg. College Mechanical 107.25 --- 100.75 87.25 --- ---
Nelliandavar Institute of Tech. Civil Engg. 95.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Nelliandavar Institute of Tech. Computer Sci. 160.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Nelliandavar Institute of Tech. Mechanical 97 --- --- --- --- ---
Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engg. College Civil Engg. 80.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engg. College Computer Sci. 129.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engg. College EEE 111.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engg. College Mechanical 91 --- --- --- --- ---
University College of Engg. Civil Engg. 182.5 173.25 176.5 178.75 161.5 152.75
University College of Engg. Computer Sci. 163.5 156.5 159 160.25 119.75 ---
University College of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 174.75 163.5 170.5 169 131 ---
University College of Engg. EEE 175 150 167.75 171.5 145.75 ---
University College of Engg. Mechanical 181.25 164.5 177.5 177.5 170.5 154.25
University College of Engg. Civil Engg. 100.75 --- --- --- --- ---
University College of Engg. Mechanical 80.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Central Institute of Plastics Engg. & Tech. Instru. Control 192.75 190.75 191 187.25 162.25 143
Central Institute of Plastics Engg. & Tech. Plastic Technology 192.25 191.25 191 188.25 157.5 ---
Sona College of Tech. Civil Engg. 190.25 185 176.67 187.5 167 142
Sona College of Tech. Computer Sci. 190.5 186.75 175.5 177.83 162 ---
Sona College of Tech. EEE 193.75 185.25 176 173 150 183
Sona College of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 192.5 191 190.5 188.83 128.83 165.75
Sona College of Tech. IT 188.5 180 186.75 119.83 134.25 ---
Sona College of Tech. Mechanical 192.25 187.5 184.17 134.75 144.83 173.25
Knowledge Institute of Tech. Mechanical 190.75 168.25 171 171.25 169.5 169.5
Knowledge Institute of Tech. EEE 196 173.25 180.75 180.5 157 157
Knowledge Institute of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 197 178.75 180.5 180.5 162.5 162.5
Knowledge Institute of Tech. Computer Sci. 198.5 160.75 172.5 172.25 134 134
Knowledge Institute of Tech. Civil Engg. 197 --- 175.75 177 159.75 159.75
Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 94.75 --- 92 84.75 --- ---
Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 114 --- --- --- --- ---
Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 94.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engg. & Tech. IT 99.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 90.25 --- --- --- --- ---
C.K. College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 143.25 --- 116.5 127.75 124.25 ---
C.K. College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 122 --- --- 106 91.75 ---
C.K. College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 81.25 --- --- --- --- ---
C.K. College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 124.25 107.75 88.5 112.5 --- ---
C.K. College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 142.75 112 106.25 125.25 94 130.25
DR.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engg. Civil Engg. 81.25 --- --- --- --- ---
DR.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engg. Computer Sci. 91.75 --- --- --- --- ---
DR.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engg. EEE 108.75 --- --- --- --- ---
DR.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engg. Mechanical 84.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 143 --- 92.25 127.25 92.5 ---
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 92.25 --- --- --- ---  
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 78.25 --- --- --- ---  
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 102.5 --- --- 84.25 92  
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. IT 79.5 --- --- --- ---  
Krishnasamy College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 149.75 148 92 134.5 107  
M R K Institute of Tech. Civil Engg. 136.75 --- 104.25 122.75 85  
M R K Institute of Tech. Computer Sci. 86.5 --- --- --- ---  
M R K Institute of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 100.5 --- --- --- ---  
M R K Institute of Tech. EEE 97.25 --- --- 77.75 ---  
M R K Institute of Tech. Mechanical 139.75 110.75 88.25 126.75 85.75  
ST.Annea College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 78.75 --- --- --- ---  
ST.Annea College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 94.75 --- --- --- ---  
ST.Annea College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 77.5 --- --- --- ---  
ST.Annea College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 123.5 100.5 98 111.75 87.5  
Aishwarya College Of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 80.25 --- --- --- ---  
Aishwarya College Of Engg. & Tech. EEE 117 --- --- --- ---  
Aishwarya College Of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 89 --- --- --- --- ---
Al-Ameen Engg. College Civil Engg. 127.5 119.75 93 92.75 --- ---
Al-Ameen Engg. College Computer Sci. 95 93.25 --- --- --- ---
Al-Ameen Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 140.25 137 123 92.25 --- ---
Al-Ameen Engg. College EEE 134.25 132 99 110 --- ---
Al-Ameen Engg. College Mechanical 127.25 120.5 90 103.5 --- ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Aeronautical 185.25 162.5 181.25 166.5 107.25 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Automobile 187 177 185.25 178 105.25 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Bio-Technology 189 186.25 187 179.25 93.75 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Civil Engg. 191.75 184.75 190.75 186.25 163.25 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Computer Sci. 191.75 178.5 190.5 181 117.5 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 193.25 181.75 192 184.25 131.25 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. EEE 192.75 182.5 191.5 186.25 141.75 152
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Elect. & Instru. 188.5 168.5 187.25 175.75 96.25 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Fashion Technology 185.75 171.75 183.5 162.75 93.75 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. IT 189.5 167.25 188.5 174 80 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Mechatronics 187.25 181 185.5 177.25 112.5 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Mechanical 192.75 185.75 191.25 188 155.75 ---
Bannari Amman Institute Of Tech. Textile Technology 185.25 166 181 163.5 97.75 ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Civil Engg. 161.75 121.25 151.25 137.75 94.25 ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Chemical 177.75 172 166.25 156.25 114.5 ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Computer Sci. 128.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 135.5 --- 113.5 128.25 113.25 ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College EEE 148.75 --- 122.75 98.5 132 ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Elect. & Instru. 107.5 --- 94.25 --- --- ---
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College Mechanical 169.75 153 163 159.25 107.75 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. Automobile 189.25 170.5 187.5 186 152 127.75
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. Civil Engg. 192.75 189.25 191.5 188.25 173.5 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. Computer Sci. 192 185.75 189.75 185.25 145.5 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. Elect. & Comm. 194 188.5 192.5 189.75 171.75 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. EEE 193.25 189 192 187.5 167.25 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. IT 188.25 167.75 187.25 179.25 144 ---
Institute Of Road & Transport Tech. Mechanical 194.5 --- 193 190 170.75 ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. Automobile 109.25 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. Civil Engg. 106.75 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. Computer Sci. 92.75 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 108.75 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. EEE 81.5 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. IT 118 --- --- --- --- ---
J K K Munirajah College Of Tech. Mechanical 91.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Kongu Engg. College Civil Engg. 193.5 187.5 192.25 188.25 165.5 138.25
Kongu Engg. College Chemical 191.25 187.5 189.25 183.25 144.5 146.5
Kongu Engg. College Computer Sci. 194 179.5 193 184 136 ---
Kongu Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 195.5 187 194.75 188.75 161.25 107
Kongu Engg. College EEE 195 183.25 194.25 189.25 167.5 158.5
Kongu Engg. College Elect. & Instru. 191 178.75 190 182.5 107.75 ---
Kongu Engg. College Food Technology 190 178 188.75 177.5 136 ---
Kongu Engg. College IT 192.25 174.25 191.5 181.5 115.75 ---
Kongu Engg. College Mechatronics 191.5 186.5 190.5 185.5 133.5 ---
Kongu Engg. College Mechanical 195 189.5 194 190.75 167.5 120
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. Bio Medical 172.25 154.75 161 122.5 89.75 ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 181.75 158.25 176 163.25 79.75 ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 171.75 154.5 155.25 106.5 --- ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 183.25 150 178.75 149.25 181 ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. EEE 167 131.5 143.5 144.75 138.75 ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. IT 97.25 --- 91.25 --- --- ---
Velalar College Of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 167 161.75 153 136.5 108.25 ---
Arulmurugan College of Engg. Civil Engg. 108.5 --- 92.5 79.75 --- ---
Arulmurugan College of Engg. Computer Sci. 125.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Arulmurugan College of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 106 --- --- --- --- ---
Arulmurugan College of Engg. EEE 83.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Arulmurugan College of Engg. Mechanical 100.25 --- 87.75 96.75 --- ---
Cheran College of Engg. Civil Engg. 98.5 --- 88.75 89.25 --- ---
Cheran College of Engg. Computer Sci. 97.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Cheran College of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 133.25 --- --- --- ---  
Cheran College of Engg. EEE 96.25 --- --- --- ---  
Cheran College of Engg. Mechanical 92.25 --- --- --- ---  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 155.25 --- 146 129.5 100.5  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 119.5 --- 93.75 93.75 97  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 91 --- --- --- ---  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 102.75 --- --- --- ---  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Instru. 109 --- --- --- ---  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 142.5 110.5 117.75 94.75 86.25  
Chettinad College of Engg. & Tech. IT 95 --- --- --- ---  
Karur College of Engg. Civil Engg. 107.25 --- --- --- ---  
Karur College of Engg. Computer Sci. 151 --- --- --- ---  
Karur College of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 95.5 --- --- --- ---  
Karur College of Engg. EEE 100.25 --- --- --- ---  
Karur College of Engg. Mechanical 93 --- --- --- ---  
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. Civil Engg. 177.75 145 171.25 165 137.75  
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. Computer Sci. 166.5 --- 137.25 108 99.5 ---
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 168.5 140.75 150 107 137 ---
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. EEE 158 131.25 118.5 115 107.25 ---
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. Elect. & Instru. 122.75 --- 98 --- 111.25 ---
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. Mechanical 173.5 147.25 163.5 158 86.5 118.5
M. Kumarasamy College of Engg. IT 90.5 --- --- --- --- ---
N.S.N. College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 149 --- 93.75 77.5 100 ---
N.S.N. College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 85.5 --- --- --- --- ---
N.S.N. College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 91.25 --- --- --- --- ---
N.S.N. College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 101.5 --- --- --- --- ---
N.S.N. College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 130.25 103.25 86.25 88.75 --- ---
V K S College of Engg. & Tech. Civil Engg. 84.75 --- --- --- --- ---
V K S College of Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 93 --- --- --- --- ---
V K S College of Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 130.25 --- --- --- --- ---
V K S College of Engg. & Tech. EEE 93 --- --- --- --- ---
V K S College of Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 87.25 --- --- --- --- ---
V.S.B. Engg. College Civil Engg. 184 160.25 166.5 123.5 104.5 ---
V.S.B. Engg. College Computer Sci. 168.25 --- 111.25 91.5 --- ---
V.S.B. Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 180.75 139.75 161.5 94.75 93.25 ---
V.S.B. Engg. College EEE 185 166.75 150.5 104 113.5 ---
V.S.B. Engg. College Mechanical 167.25 --- 153.75 125 151.5 ---
V.S.B. Engg. College IT 143.25 --- 92.25 96.5 --- ---
V.S.B. Engg. College Plastic Technology 192.25 191.25 191 188.25 175.5 ---
Jawahar Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 81 --- --- --- --- ---
Jawahar Engg. College EEE 87.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Jawahar Engg. College Industrial 88 --- --- --- --- ---
Jawahar Engg. College IT 85.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Jawahar Engg. College Mechanical 118.25 95.5 86.5 81 78.5 ---
LOYOLA ICAM COLLEGE OF Engg. & Tech. Computer Sci. 192.5 --- 191 186 171 ---
LOYOLA ICAM COLLEGE OF Engg. & Tech. Elect. & Comm. 194.75 191 193.5 189.25 174.5 ---
LOYOLA ICAM COLLEGE OF Engg. & Tech. EEE 193.5 189.25 191.75 187 174.25 ---
LOYOLA ICAM COLLEGE OF Engg. & Tech. IT 190.25 188.25 189.25 182.25 160.25 129.25
LOYOLA ICAM COLLEGE OF Engg. & Tech. Mechanical 194 190.67 192 188 175 138.75
Meenakshi College Of Engg. Civil Engg. 180 163.25 174.25 171.5 152.5 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. Computer Sci. 179.25 174.75 174.5 168.5 126.75 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. Elect. & Comm. 184.25 174.5 180.25 173 154.5 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. EEE 178.5 174 174.75 173.5 139.5 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. Elect. & Instru. 171.75 163.75 168.25 168.25 117.5 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. IT 171.5 152.75 163.5 159 116 ---
Meenakshi College Of Engg. Mechanical 179.5 174 177 173 151.25 166.25
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College Civil Engg. 194.5 193 193.5 190.25 177.5 ---
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College Computer Sci. 195 193.5 192 188.75 173.5 ---
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College Elect. & Comm. 194.5 191 192.5 190 178.75 131.75
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College EEE 193.5 191 192 188.5 171.5 110
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College IT 191.5 188.5 189.5 182.25 154.25 ---
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. College Mechanical 194.75 193.75 193.25 190.25 178.25 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Aeronautical 120.75 --- 98.5 110.25 102 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Civil Engg. 160.5 156.75 153.25 142.75 125.25 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Computer Sci. 125.75 --- 91.75 108.25 89.75 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Elect. & Comm. 144.75 104.75 89.5 91.75 103.25 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai EEE 121.75 101.75 94.75 97 98 ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Elect. & Instru. 127.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai IT 113.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Mechanical 161 145.5 151.5 144.5 123.75 156
Anna University CEG Campus Chennai Production 107 --- --- --- --- ---
Govt. College Of Engg. Dharmapuri Civil Engg. 181 179.5 175 175.75 170.5 171.25
Govt. College Of Engg. Dharmapuri Computer Sci. 169.75 148.75 161 161.5 159.75 ---
Govt. College Of Engg. Dharmapuri Elect. & Comm. 181 171.25 169.5 174 164 105.75
Govt. College Of Engg. Dharmapuri EEE 176.75 167 165.5 171.5 163.75 ---
Govt. College Of Engg. Dharmapuri Mechanical 182.25 174.5 177 179.5 168.25 160
Jayalakshmi Institute Of Tech. Civil Engg. 135.25 119 107.25 114.75 90.25 ---
Jayalakshmi Institute Of Tech. Computer Sci. 98 89 --- 84.75 91.75 90.5
Jayalakshmi Institute Of Tech. Elect. & Comm. 126.75 --- 122.5 78.75 85.5 ---
Jayalakshmi Institute Of Tech. EEE 156.75 --- 89 101.25 108.75 122.75
Jayalakshmi Institute Of Tech. Mechanical 151.25 87.25 93.5 114 83.25  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri Aeronautical 90.25 --- --- --- ---  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri Civil Engg. 101.5 90.75 88.5 77.5 97.25  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri Computer Sci. 91.75 --- --- --- ---  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri Elect. & Comm. 87 --- --- --- ---  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri EEE 124.25 --- --- 115.5 ---  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri IT 123 --- --- --- ---  
Jayam College Of Engg. & Tech. Dharmapuri Mechanical 114.5 --- 104.25 83.5 ---  
Sapthagiri College Of Engg. Dharmapuri Mechanical 83.75 --- --- --- ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri Automobile 115 --- --- --- ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri Civil Engg. 93 --- 91.5 80.25 ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri Computer Sci. 102.25 --- --- --- ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri Elect. & Comm. 94.5 --- --- --- ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri EEE 88.25 --- --- --- ---  
Shreenivasa Engg. College Dharmapuri Mechanical 130.25 111.5 94 96.25 106.25  
Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Tech. Dharmapuri Civil Engg. 136.5 94.75 --- 101.5 ---  
Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Tech. Dharmapuri Computer Sci. 115.75 --- --- --- ---  
Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Tech. Dharmapuri Elect. & Comm. 92.25 --- --- --- ---  
Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Tech. Dharmapuri EEE 87.25 --- --- --- ---  
Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Tech. Dharmapuri Mechanical 81 --- --- --- ---  
Apollo Priyadarshanam Inst. of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 104.5 --- --- 84.75 104  
Apollo Priyadarshanam Inst. of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 89.25 --- --- --- ---  
Apollo Priyadarshanam Inst. of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 80.75 --- --- --- ---  
Apollo Priyadarshanam Inst. of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 100.75 85 95 94.25 85.5  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 156 154.5 154.5 108.75 79.75  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 141.75 140 140 100 94.75  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 153 147.25 147.25 81 ---  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 140.75 131 131 86.75 ---  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 164.25 164 164 119 97.5  
Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg. Kancheepuram Petroleum 154.25 154 154 116 100  
Kings Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 117 88.75 --- 98.75 80.75  
Kings Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 148.75 89.5 136.25 128 88.5  
Kings Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 93.5 --- --- --- ---  
Kings Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 166 159.25 --- 157 102.25  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Aeronautical 175.25 130.75 173.25 149.5 79.5  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Automobile 82 --- --- --- ---  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 103.75 --- --- 81.75 81.75  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 102.25 92 --- 85.75 ---  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 97.75 86.5 --- 92.25 ---  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 109.25 --- --- 79.25 83.25  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 96 --- --- --- ---  
P.B. College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 142.75 120.25 --- 110.5 77.75  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 173 166.75 146.75 163.75 111.75  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 169 156 145.5 147.5 120.75  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 170.5 161 148.5 157.5 92.25  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 157 140.25 --- 133 108.5  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 148 117 136 109.75 81.5  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 172.75 165.5 160.75 157 110  
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 195.75 194.75 192.25 192.5 180 ---
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Chemical 195 192.75 191.5 189.75 173 ---
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 196 195.25 193.75 191.25 167.5 105.75
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 196.75 196.25 194.75 193 181.25 154.5
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 196.5 196 193 192.5 176.5 ---
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 194 192.25 189.75 187.5 154.75 107.75
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Instru. Control 190.75 188.5 189.25 179.75 147.75 ---
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 193.5 192 189.5 186.75 144.25 ---
PSV Padmavathy Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 197 196.5 193.75 194 181.75 184
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 111.25 90 93.25 84.75 78.5 ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 84 --- --- --- --- ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 89.75 86 --- --- --- ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 91 --- --- --- --- ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 129.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 96.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Thangavelu Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 137.25 111 100.75 122.75 77.5 ---
A.C.T. College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 96.25 --- --- --- ---  
A.C.T. College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 119.25 --- --- --- ---  
A.C.T. College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 131.25 --- --- --- ---  
Adhi College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 130.75 97.5 --- 97.25 95.25  
Adhi College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 92 --- --- 84.25 ---  
Adhi College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 123.5 85.5 --- 99.25 ---  
Adhi College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 89.5 --- --- --- ---  
Adhi College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 124.75 89.5 92.25 85 88.25  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 165.75 156.25 137.5 156.5 124.25  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram Chemical 178 172 174 167.5 111.5  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 134.25 86.25 115.75 88.25 78.25  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 160.25 141.5 --- 148 104  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 166.5 152.5 --- 149 112.75  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 93.5 --- --- --- ---  
Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 167.25 154.5 100.5 160.5 119.25  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Bio Medical 142 104.25 --- 112.75 101  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 159.25 150.5 --- 150 115.5  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 127.25 96 87.5 94.75 86.25  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 136.5 92 123.75 82 82.75  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 141 101.5 --- 84.5 99.5  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 89.25 --- --- --- ---  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechatronics 144.75 120.25 118 104.75 87.75  
Agni College Of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 162 148 138.25 142.5 117.75  
Aksheyaa College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 114.75 100 --- 82 83.75  
Aksheyaa College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 88 --- --- --- ---  
Aksheyaa College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 89.75 --- --- --- ---  
Aksheyaa College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 114 100.5 --- --- ---  
Aksheyaa College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 118.25 93.5 --- 87.25 103.25  
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 168.5 164 159.25 158.75 130.75  
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 162.5 152.25 110.5 138.25 79.5  
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 166.75 156.25 104.25 143.5 88.75  
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 154.25 130.75 --- 107 87  
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 123.75 97.25 112.25 92.75 100.75 88
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram IT 128.25 96.5 88.5 89.25 --- ---
Anand Institute of Higher Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 175.75 171.5 168.75 167.25 130.25 ---
Annai Veilankanni's College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 95.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Annai Veilankanni's College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 110.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Annai Veilankanni's College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 135 --- --- --- --- ---
Annai Veilankanni's College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 92.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram Aeronautical 138.5 99.75 --- --- 97.75 ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 89 --- --- --- --- ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 140.75 89 107.5 85 83.25 ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 125 116.25 --- 97.25 85 ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 99.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Apollo Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 150.5 133 125.5 126 92.5 ---
Arignar Anna Inst. of Science & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 102.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Arignar Anna Inst. of Science & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 92.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Arignar Anna Inst. of Science & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 90.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Arignar Anna Inst. of Science & Tech. Kancheepuram IT 132 --- --- --- ---  
Arignar Anna Inst. of Science & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 127.25 91.25 --- 99.5 105  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 87.75 --- --- 85.5 ---  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 101 99.25 --- 79 ---  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 119.5 99.75 --- 83.25 ---  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 99.75 --- --- --- ---  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram IT 80.25 --- --- --- ---  
ARM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 113 86.75 105 78.75 82  
ARS College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 82 --- --- --- ---  
ARS College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 95.25 --- --- --- ---  
ARS College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 92.25 --- --- --- ---  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 144.5 135 132.5 135.5 103.75  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 99.75 --- --- --- ---  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 84.75 --- --- --- ---  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 125 --- --- --- ---  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 163.5 --- --- --- ---  
AM College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 138.5 103.75 110.25 122.75 106  
Balaji Institute of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 88 --- --- --- ---  
Balaji Institute of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 118.5 --- --- --- ---  
Balaji Institute of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 98.25 --- --- --- ---  
Balaji Institute of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Mechanical 89.25 --- --- --- ---  
Chendu College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 88.5 --- --- --- ---  
Chendu College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 98.25 --- --- --- ---  
Chendu College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 122 --- --- --- ---  
Chendu College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 142.75 116.25 110 80.25 ---  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 160.25 150.25 --- 144.25 127  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 168.75 144.25 119.5 101.25 79  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 174.75 157.25 139.25 128.5 81.5  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 168.75 155.5 107 127 104.5  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechatronics 175.75 166.5 124.25 149 142.75  
Chennai Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 168.75 156.75 128.75 143.5 117.25  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 122.25 85.75 102.5 80.5 82  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 85.25 --- --- 83.5 83.75  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 120 103.75 90 80.5 89.5  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 94.75 --- --- --- ---  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 94.5 --- --- --- ---  
D M I College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 156.5 141.5 124.5 138.75 103.25  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 150.25 142.5 143 139.75 116.25  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 139 89.25 112 83.75 81.25  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 144.75 106.5 104 77.75 83.75  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 100.25 88.25 --- 80 90.75  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 110.5 --- --- --- ---  
Dhanalakshmi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 160.75 150.25 123.75 145.25 104.75  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Aeronautical 153.25 97 --- 128 96.25  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 130.75 88 85.75 103.75 77.75  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 122.25 90.25 --- 83.25 87.5  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 151.75 91.75 88.75 124 105  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 135.25 93 --- 89.25 128  
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram IT 88.75 --- --- --- --- ---
DL Srinivasan Col. of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 146.25 116.25 109 121.75 91.5 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Aeronautical 141.25 104 --- 112.5 82 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Automobile 144.75 124.5 133 119.25 95.25 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Bio Medical 165.25 128 158.75 145.5 130.5 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 152.5 146 145.5 140.75 108.5 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 144.75 118.75 --- 105.25 91 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 154.25 138.75 112.75 139 86.75 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram EEE 151.75 122.5 93.25 105 95.5 ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram IT 95.5 --- --- --- --- ---
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Mechanical 171 166.5 157.75 161.25 134.75 83
G.K.M. College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Marine 184 173 165 175.5 146.5 ---
GR Memorial Engg. College Kancheepuram Aeronautical 101.75 --- --- --- --- ---
GR Memorial Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 105.75 --- --- --- --- ---
IGC of Engg. & Tech. for Women Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 89.75 --- --- --- --- ---
IGC of Engg. & Tech. for Women Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 110.5 --- --- --- --- ---
IGC of Engg. & Tech. for Women Kancheepuram IT 114 --- --- --- --- ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram Automobile 93 --- --- --- --- ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 144.75 116.5 132 105.75 132.75 ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 88.25 --- --- --- --- ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 111.5 --- --- --- --- ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 119.25 114.25 --- 85.25 117.25 ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 124 121 --- 117.25 114.75 ---
J E I Mathaajee College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 98.25 96.25 --- 90.75 91.25 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Aeronautical 191.5 188.5 191 181 177 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Bio-Technology 192 190 186.5 184.75 167 118.25
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 191 189.75 186.25 186.5 171.25 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 190.75 190 186.5 184.5 152 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 193.25 191.75 186.75 189.25 165 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 191.5 190 187.25 185.5 161.5 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 187.5 185.75 181 180 139.75 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 187.75 186 185.5 178.5 135 ---
Jeppiaar Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 192 191.25 191 189 169.5  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram Bio Medical 184 180 177.75 170.75 147.25  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 173.75 168.25 158.25 162.25 129.75  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 175.75 169.75 157.75 161.5 125  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 179.25 176.5 162.25 170 144.5  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 172.75 166.75 136 160.5 121.75  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 168 161 145.5 147.25 82.75  
Jerusalem College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 162.25 151.25 141.25 140 91.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Aeronautical 175.75 166.75 168 165.75 146  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 180 175.25 169 170.75 141.25  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 177.75 174.5 171.25 166.5 122.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 182.75 179.5 171.25 171 140.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 179 173.75 172 167.5 121.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 174.5 168.25 162.25 165.75 112.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 172.75 167.5 159.75 159 96.5  
K.C.G. College of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 184.75 183.25 181 179 147.25  
Kanchi Pallavan Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 111.25 --- --- --- ---  
Kanchi Pallavan Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 103.5 --- --- --- ---  
Kanchi Pallavan Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 141.75 --- --- --- ---  
Kanchi Pallavan Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 139 --- --- --- ---  
Kanchi Pallavan Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 88.5 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Automobile 92.25 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Bio Medical 143.75 101 --- 93.75 121.25  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Bio-Technology 159.5 147 110 138.5 84  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 150.5 138.25 122.75 131.5 106.5  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 91 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 90.75 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram EEE 94 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram IT 107.25 --- --- --- ---  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Mechanical 142.75 97.5 118.75 125.5 82  
KV College of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Production 86.25 --- --- --- ---  
Lord Ayyappa Inst. of Engg. & Tech.Kancheepuram Mechanical 82.5 --- --- --- ---  
Lord Venkateshwaraa Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 91 --- --- --- 91  
Lord Venkateshwaraa Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 90.25 --- --- --- 90.25  
Lord Venkateshwaraa Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 151.5 --- --- --- 151.5  
Lord Venkateshwaraa Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 110.5 --- --- --- 110.5  
Lord Venkateshwaraa Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 160.75 141 --- 154 160.75  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 80.5 --- --- --- ---  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 114.5 --- --- --- 78  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 93 --- --- --- ---  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 111.25 --- --- --- ---  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 128.75 --- --- --- ---  
Loyola Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 121.5 88.5 105 78.5 93.5  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 174 168.75 161.75 164 141.25  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 170.5 165.25 151.75 155 84.75  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 176.25 171.25 154.5 164 90  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 173.75 168 145 163.75 118.75  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 163 158.25 135.25 141.75 89  
Maamallan Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 176.5 173.75 173 168.25 135.5  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Aeronautical 90.5 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Bio-Technology 128 85.75 127.5 89.75 83.5  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Civil Engg. 106.75 88.25 104.5 94.75 79.25  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Computer Sci. 84.5 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 92.5 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram EEE 97.5 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 101.25 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram IT 95.25 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Engg. CollegeKancheepuram Mechanical 141.5 115 98.75 112.5 78.75  
Madha Institute of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 86.75 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Institute of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 86.75 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Institute of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 84 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Institute of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 86.5 --- --- --- ---  
Madha Institute of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 87.75 --- --- --- ---  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 180 176.5 166.5 172 135.75  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 181.5 178.25 146.25 165.75 109.5  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 182.25 176.75 145 164.25 113.75  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 181.25 176.5 149.75 166.25 124.5  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 175 169.75 140 158.5 78.25  
MN Munoth Jain Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 185.25 181.75 175.5 176.25 143  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Aeronautical 93.25 --- --- --- 82.75  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 155.25 131.5 152.5 119.75 82.75  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 133.25 99.5 132.75 85.25 ---  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 107.25 --- 92.5 91 ---  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 118 94 97.25 --- ---  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 85.75 --- --- --- ---  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 158.75 134.5 154.25 130.25 82  
Mohammed Sathak A.J.College of Engg. Kancheepuram Material Science and 107.5 --- --- --- ---  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 135 109.25 132.5 110 89.25  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 132 100.25 --- 101.25 108.25  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 91.25 --- --- --- ---  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 93.25 --- --- --- ---  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 88.25 --- --- --- ---  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram IT 99.5 --- --- --- ---  
NP Sri Bhavani College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 142.25 122.25 142.25 115 96  
PTL C. Naicker College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 177.75 --- --- --- ---  
PTL C. Naicker College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 108.75 --- --- --- ---  
PTL C. Naicker College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 139.5 --- --- --- ---  
PTL C. Naicker College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 86.5 --- --- --- ---  
PTL C. Naicker College of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 78.25 --- --- --- ---  
Pallava Raja College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 90 --- --- --- ---  
Pallava Raja College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 139.75 --- --- --- ---  
Pallava Raja College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 106.25 --- --- --- ---  
Pallava Raja College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 90.25 --- --- --- ---  
Pallava Raja College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 81.25 --- --- --- ---  
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 134.5 93.5 --- 101 92.5  
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 93 --- --- --- ---  
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 98.25 95.75 --- 96.25 --- ---
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 79.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 85.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Pallavan College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 145.25 111.5 131.5 113.25 88 ---
Peri Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 157 141.75 133 138.25 116.25 ---
Peri Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 150.75 133.5 133 115 80.25 ---
Peri Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 152.25 131.75 123 115.25 89 ---
Peri Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 146.75 130.75 112 105 110.25 ---
Peri Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 151 135 123.75 128 101.75 107.75
P Dr.K.Vasudevan of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 82 --- --- --- --- ---
P Dr.K.Vasudevan of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 79.5 --- --- --- --- ---
P Dr.K.Vasudevan of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 89.5 --- --- --- --- ---
P Dr.K.Vasudevan of Engg. & Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 159.25 150.5 137.25 146.5 84.5 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Aeronautical 192 188 186 183.75 167 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Automobile 188.75 187.5 182.5 183.75 145.5 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Bio Medical 194.25 191.5 194.25 189.5 174.25 128.5
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Bio-Technology 189.5 187.25 185.25 181.75 154 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 190.5 189.25 187.25 186.25 165.5 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 190 188.25 183.75 180.5 144 89.25
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 191.5 190.25 186 185.25 163.5 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 190.25 189.25 182.25 183.75 154.25 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 187.5 186.25 172.75 176.25 134.75 ---
Rajalakshmi Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 192.25 190.75 190.25 187.25 167.75 111.25
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Automobile 97 --- --- --- --- ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Bio Medical 176.5 170 166.75 157.75 138 ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 103.75 --- --- 97.25 98.75 ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 120 --- --- --- --- ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 93.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 129.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 104.25 88.25 --- 78.75 --- ---
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg. Kancheepuram Petroleum 175 163.5 168.75 152.75 120.5 ---
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 93.25 --- --- 82.75 --- ---
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 77.5 --- --- --- ---  
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 125.5 92.75 --- 110.5 ---  
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 84.75 --- --- --- ---  
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 81.75 --- --- --- ---  
Rrase College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 84.25 --- --- --- ---  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 178 173.5 163.5 169.25 140  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 179.5 177 159 168 125  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 183.5 181.25 168 175 137.25  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 183.5 180 175.5 175 133.5  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 172.25 167.5 130 156.25 88.75  
S.R.R. Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 181.5 179 173 174 140.5  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram Automobile 91.5 --- --- --- ---  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 117 92.75 96.75 80.5 90.75  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 92 --- --- --- ---  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 80.75 --- --- --- ---  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 98.5 --- --- --- ---  
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 153.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sakthi Mariamman Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 149.75 123.5 --- 131.5 83.75 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 182.75 181.25 180.25 175.5 150.75 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 181.25 179.5 168.75 170 134 120.5
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 182.25 180.5 171 172 139.75 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 184 182.75 172.5 175.25 146.75 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 180 178 169.75 167.5 117.5 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 180.25 178.5 162.75 168.5 108.5 ---
Saveetha Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 183.75 181.75 176.25 176.75 153 ---
SMK Fomra Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Bio Medical 158.5 93.5 146 88 78.25 ---
SMK Fomra Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 105 104.25 --- 95.25 79.25 ---
MK Fomra Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 90 --- --- --- --- ---
MK Fomra Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 107.5 --- --- --- --- ---
MK Fomra Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 106 90.5 --- 82.25 87.75 ---
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram Bio-Technology 100.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 83.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 87.5 --- --- --- ---  
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 89.75 --- --- --- ---  
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 100 --- --- --- ---  
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 102.25 --- --- --- ---  
Shri Andal Alagar College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 110.75 88 --- 86.25 89.75  
Sri Krishna Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 84.25 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 98 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 99 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Engg. College Kancheepuram Fashion Technology 158.25 113.25 106.5 117 101.75  
Sri Krishna Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 103.5 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 88 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 112.75 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 81.5 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Krishna Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 81.25 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 109.75 98.25 --- 91.25 ---  
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 104 --- --- --- ---  
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 109.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 82.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 109 97 --- 84.5 88.75 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 177.75 171 165.75 168.5 140.75 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 168.75 162 132.25 153.75 102.75 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 173.25 169.75 146.75 161 131 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 169.5 163.5 126.75 155.75 109.5 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 161.5 152.5 --- 142 109.25 ---
Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 176 171.75 169.25 167.75 129.25 ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 135.75 126 126.5 110 88.5 ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 99.5 --- --- 95.5 --- ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 106.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 92 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 82.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Ramanujar Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 139 122.75 117 123 78.25 ---
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 187 185 181 182.25 157.25 103.75
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 187.5 185.75 174.5 177.5 140.5 89.25
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 190 189 184.25 183.5 154.25 142
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 188 186.5 181.75 180.25 144 90.75
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 184.25 182.75 163 170 115.5 ---
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 189.75 188.5 186.25 184.75 158.5 120.25
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 190.75 189.75 183.75 186.5 163.75 117.75
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 192.5 190.25 180.5 182.25 148 96.5
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 194 192 188.25 186.75 165 121
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 192.25 190.25 184.5 186.25 162 ---
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 188.5 186.25 181.75 178.75 142.5 ---
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Instru. Control 185.5 182 170.25 172.25 102.25 ---
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 188.25 186.5 177 176.5 135.25 ---
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 193 191.5 190.5 187.25 163.25 123.5
Sri Sairam Engg. College Kancheepuram Production 184.75 181.5 167.25 172.5 120.75 ---
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Bio Medical 197.5 196.75 194.75 193.5 180.25 ---
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 198.5 198 197.75 196.75 188 ---
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Chemical 197.25 196.75 196.5 193.5 183.5 138.5
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 198.5 198 197 195.75 186 158
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 198.75 198.5 197.5 196.75 191 175
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 198.25 198 197 196 187.5 ---
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 198 197.5 196.5 194.25 181.75 135.25
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 199 198.5 198 197.5 191 176
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Automobile 196.5 195.75 196.25 191 173.5 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Bio-Technology 195 194 --- 190 171.5 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 197 196.75 195 195 182.5 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Chemical 195.5 194.5 193 191 170.75 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 197 196.75 195 193.5 178.25 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 197.75 197.25 195.75 194.75 183.75 145.75
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 197.25 197 194.75 194.25 179.25 108.5
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram IT 196.5 196 193.75 191.5 163.5 ---
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 198 197.5 196.5 195.25 187 175.5
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. Kancheepuram Marine 193 191.5 --- 191 177.75 ---
Sri Venkateswaraa College of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 109.25 --- --- 100.25 104.75 ---
Sri Venkateswaraa College of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 96.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Venkateswaraa College of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 85.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Venkateswaraa College of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 140.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sri Venkateswaraa College of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 85.75 --- --- --- --- ---
St.Joseph College of Engg. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 135 102.3 101.3 91 81.75 ---
St.Joseph College of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 152.5 121.5 127.5 122.5 92.5 ---
St.Joseph College of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 151.8 98.25 --- 123.8 113 ---
St.Joseph College of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 142.8 139.8 --- 96 86 ---
St.Joseph College of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 167.8 146.3 164.5 147.8 116.3 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 188 187 185.25 184 162.25 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 188.5 186.75 180.75 179 142.5 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 190.75 189.5 179.25 184.5 157.5 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 188.5 187.5 180 182.25 146.75 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram IT 186.5 185.75 174.25 177 133 ---
St.Joseph Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 189.5 187.75 184.5 184.5 156 78
T.J. Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 97.25 --- --- --- ---  
T.J. Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 141.25 --- --- --- ---  
T.J. Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 83 --- --- --- ---  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram Aeronautical 145.25 92.5 --- 93.25 85.75  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 162 154 149.25 154.5 113.75  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 140 103 --- 97.25 84.75  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 158 144.25 --- 132 100.25  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 117 90.75 --- 86.25 80.5  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 90 --- --- --- ---  
Tagore Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 164.25 158.5 141.75 155.25 125.25  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 90.5 --- --- --- 79.25  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 80.75 --- --- --- ---  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 114.5 --- --- --- ---  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 88.25 --- --- --- ---  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 117.25 --- --- --- ---  
Thirumalai Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 83.5 --- --- --- ---  
University College Of Engg. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 183.75 179.5 168.25 175 167.5 119
University College Of Engg. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 190.25 186.25 173.25 184.5 177.5 ---
University College Of Engg. Kancheepuram EEE 185 180.75 171.5 178.5 169.25 ---
University College Of Engg. Kancheepuram Mechanical 188.25 185.5 178 185.25 174.75 173.25
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Aeronautical 199.25 198.5 199 197 194.25 ---
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Automobile 198.5 198.25 197.75 197.25 194 186.75
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 199 198.75 198.75 197.25 190.75 ---
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 199.25 199 199 197.75 193.75 184.5
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 199.5 199.25 199 198.75 196.75 189.25
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 199 198.75 198.5 197.5 191.75 ---
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 199.25 199 198.5 197.75 193.25 185
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 198.75 198.25 197.75 196.75 189.25 ---
MIT Campus Kancheepuram IT 198.5 198 197.75 196 187.75 181.25
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Production 198 197.75 196.5 195.75 190.75 176.25
MIT Campus Kancheepuram Rubber & Plastic 195.75 195 193.75 193.25 182.5 ---
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 187.25 185.25 181.5 182 156.25 120.25
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 188.25 186.5 179.5 178 151 ---
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 189 188 183.75 181.25 152.5 86.5
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram EEE 187.25 186 181.5 180.75 149.75 ---
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram Elect. & Instru. 185 183.5 177.75 174 130.25 ---
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram IT 185.5 183.75 178.25 171 126.5 80.75
Valliammai Engg. College Kancheepuram Mechanical 190.25 189.25 187.25 185 162.5 ---
VI Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Civil Engg. 83 --- --- --- --- ---
VI Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Computer Sci. 83 --- --- --- --- ---
VI Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Elect. & Comm. 91 --- --- 85.5 --- ---
VI Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram EEE 103.8 --- --- --- --- ---
VI Institute of Tech. Kancheepuram Mechanical 85.75 --- --- 83.25 --- ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Aeronautical 144.75 --- 91.75 106.75 96 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Bio Medical 178 175.25 169.5 162.75 139.75 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Bio-Technology 176 148.75 167.5 159 101.75 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Civil Engg. 171.5 161 162 158.75 126.5 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Chemical 179.25 162.75 169.75 162.75 118.25 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Computer Sci. 160.25 104 128.5 122.5 80.75 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Elect. & Comm. 173 134.75 155.75 148.75 88.5 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri EEE 161.25 119.25 143.25 141.25 109 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Elect. & Instru. 139.25 123 96.25 96.75 89.75 120.25
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri IT 128.75 --- 87.5 79.75 93 ---
Adhiyamaan College Of Engg.Krishnagiri Mechanical 178.5 175 172.75 169.5 144 ---
Government College Of Engg. Bargur- Krishnagiri Computer Sci. 187.25 173.25 186.25 185 166.75 165.5
Government College Of Engg. Bargur- Krishnagiri Elect. & Comm. 191.75 184 189.25 188.5 178 ---
Government College Of Engg. Bargur- Krishnagiri EEE 190.75 179 189.25 187.5 175.75 153.25
Government College Of Engg. Bargur- Krishnagiri Mechanical 192.75 185.75 189.75 191.25 179.25 ---
A.S.L. Pauls College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Automobile 81.75 --- --- --- --- ---
A.S.L. Pauls College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 97.75 --- --- --- --- ---
A.S.L. Pauls College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 82 --- --- --- --- ---
A.S.L. Pauls College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 128.25 --- --- --- --- ---
A.S.L. Pauls College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 92.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Adithya Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 135.25 --- 109.25 94.25 93.5 ---
Adithya Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 100 --- --- --- ---  
Adithya Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 91.25 --- --- --- ---  
Adithya Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 106.25 --- --- --- ---  
Adithya Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 91.25 --- --- --- ---  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 120.25 97.5 95 85.75 99.75  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 119 --- 102 78.25 ---  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 89.25 --- --- --- ---  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 89.75 --- --- --- ---  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechatronics 90.75 --- --- --- ---  
Akshaya College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 141.25 85.5 104.75 81.25 88.75  
Arjun College Of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 133.75 --- 109 81.5 ---  
Arjun College Of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 100.75 --- 96.75 88.75 96.75  
Arjun College Of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 98.25 --- 94.25 95 95.25  
Arjun College Of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 147.25 102.75 130.25 123.75 94.25  
Asian College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 135.75 --- 104.25 93 ---  
Asian College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 85.25 --- --- --- ---  
Asian College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 113 --- --- --- ---  
Asian College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 82 --- --- --- ---  
Asian College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 166 --- 130.75 133.25 165.5  
C M S College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 89.5 --- --- --- ---  
C M S College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 148.25 --- --- --- ---  
C M S College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 124.75 --- --- --- ---  
C M S College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 138.25 --- --- --- ---  
C M S College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 89.5 --- --- --- ---  
Christ The King Engg. College Coimbatore Civil Engg. 105 --- --- --- ---  
Christ The King Engg. College Coimbatore Computer Sci. 99.75 --- --- --- ---  
Christ The King Engg. College Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 97.25 --- --- --- ---  
Christ The King Engg. College Coimbatore EEE 144.25 --- --- --- ---  
Christ The King Engg. College Coimbatore Mechanical 94 --- --- --- ---  
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 161.25 134.75 145.75 129.5 108.5  
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 156.25 109.5 119 94.75 ---  
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 165 128.5 120.75 93 106.25  
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 83.25 --- --- --- 81 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore IT 88 --- --- --- --- ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechatronics 157.5 141.75 140.25 114.5 132 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 163.5 128 152.75 138.25 120.25 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 198.75 197.5 198.5 197.5 192.75 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Chemical 197.75 197.25 197.25 195.5 186.75 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 198.25 196.25 198 195.33 183.75 171.5
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 198 196.5 197.75 196 187 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 198.5 196.25 198.25 196 187.75 176.75
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 199 197.25 198.75 197.5 191.25 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore EEE 199 197 198.5 196.75 192 177.5
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 198.5 196.75 198.5 196.75 189.5 160.25
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore EEE 198.5 197 198 196 187.5 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 198 196 197.75 194.75 180.25 ---
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Chemical 199.25 197.75 199 198.25 192.5 182.75
Coimbatore Institute Of Tech.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 199 197.75 198.75 197.75 190.5 ---
Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 102 96.5 --- --- --- ---
Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 101.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 104 --- --- --- --- ---
Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 88.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 105.5 103.25 --- --- --- ---
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engg. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 93.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engg. Coimbatore EEE 89.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engg. Coimbatore Mechanical 81 --- --- --- --- ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Automobile 185.25 160.5 160.5 171.75 94 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 190.5 --- --- 185.5 160 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 189.75 184 184 177.25 117.75 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 192 189.25 189.25 184 138 118.5
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 190.25 178.25 178.25 184.5 135 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 187 180.5 180.5 173.25 123 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Instru. Control 181 175.5 175.5 166.5 --- ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore IT 186.75 157.5 157.5 168 98.5 ---
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 191.75 185.75 185.75 186 159.25 ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Bio Medical 186.5 177.5 183.25 165.25 155.5 ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 178.25 157.5 173.25 164.25 117.75 ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 167 154.25 158 123.5 --- ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 164.25 157.75 148.25 83.75 122.25 ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 157 --- 141.25 110.25 110.75 ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore IT 131 --- 110.5 128.5 --- ---
Dr.N G P Institute Of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 170.75 158.5 166.25 159.75 113.75 ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 77.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 95.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 99.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 101.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore IT 123 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 100 --- --- --- --- ---
Easa College Of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Petroleum 92 --- --- --- --- ---
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 198 196.25 197.5 196.25 190.25 186.25
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 198.25 196.75 198 196 188 165
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 198.75 197.25 198.5 197 192.25 ---
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 198.5 198 198.25 196.75 191.5 179.5
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 197.75 195.5 197.5 195 184.5 172.75
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Industrial Bio-Techn. 194.75 190.25 193.5 190.75 175.5 129.5
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore IT 197.75 196 197.5 195 183.75 ---
Government College of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 198.75 197.25 198.5 197.25 193 189.25
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Aeronautical 168 125.75 139.75 147.75 108.5 163.5
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Automobile 160.25 143.25 143 134.5 96.25 ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 183 177 179.25 176 150.5 167.5
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 164.25 128.75 151.25 121.5 96.75 ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 179 167 172 162 79.5 ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 171.5 142.5 164.75 159.75 102.25 128.75
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 159 121 140.75 96.5 --- ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore IT 126.25 --- 89 88.25 --- ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechatronics 174.75 139 166 155.5 108 ---
Hindusthan College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 183.25 179.75 180.25 175.75 151.5  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Aeronautical 136 --- 99.75 99.5 99.75  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Automobile 153.25 133.75 141.5 125.25 100  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 128 --- 90.75 88.5 104.75  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 155.25 128.5 141 96.75 121.5  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore IT 96.75 --- --- --- ---  
Hindusthan Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 173 155.5 169.75 163.5 122.5  
Indus College Of Engg. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 137 --- --- --- ---  
Indus College Of Engg. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 141.25 --- --- --- ---  
Indus College Of Engg. Coimbatore Mechanical 121 --- --- --- ---  
Jansons Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 165.5 134 154.25 137.5 81.25  
Jansons Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 138.25 --- 107.5 117 ---  
Jansons Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 156 122 135.75 98.25 ---  
Jansons Institute of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 133.25 --- 113.25 --- ---  
Jansons Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 169 158.75 159 137.75 95  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Automobile 119.25 --- --- --- ---  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 128.5 106 101 --- 87  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 83.75 --- --- --- ---  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 139.5 --- --- --- ---  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 139.75 --- --- --- ---  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Food Technology 140 --- 95.75 101.75 105.75  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 94.75 --- --- 91.5 ---  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Petrochemical 144 138.25 90.5 108.5 86.5  
JCT College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Petroleum 150.75 --- 106.5 101.5 100.25  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Aeronautical 129 --- 98 --- ---  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 156 120.5 116.75 107.25 101.75  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 166.75 109.5 95.5 111.75 95.5  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 145.25 89.25 103 106.75 107.25  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore IT 91.75 --- --- --- ---  
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 151.25 91.75 124.75 79.25 97  
Kalaivani College of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 105.5 --- --- --- ---  
Kalaivani College of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 101 --- --- --- ---  
Kalaivani College of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 105.25 --- --- --- ---  
Kalaivani College of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 124.5 --- --- --- ---  
Kalaivani College of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 117.5 --- --- --- ---  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 143.25 --- --- --- ---  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 132.5 --- --- --- ---  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 94.75 --- --- --- ---  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 155.75 --- 108 128.5 116.5  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 174.5 --- 88.5 120.75 175.25  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 141 114 86.5 97.5 ---  
Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 155.75 132.5 122.25 99.5 ---  
Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Tech. for Women Coimbatore Computer Sci. 118.75 --- 89.5 100.25 ---  
Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Tech. for Women Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 118.75 --- 87 104 110  
Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Tech. for Women Coimbatore EEE 90.5 --- --- --- ---  
Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Tech. for Women Coimbatore IT 91 --- --- --- ---  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Automobile 162.25 156.25 153.75 145.5 ---  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 179.25 176.5 174.5 171.25 149.5  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 100.5 --- 90 90.25 ---  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 146.5 --- 120.5 77.75 129.25  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore EEE 157.75 157 141.5 101.5 80.5  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Instru. Control 86 --- --- --- ---  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore IT 98 --- --- --- ---  
Tamilnadu College of Engg. Coimbatore Mechanical 178.75 163.5 172.5 168.75 149  
Suguna College Of Engg. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 93.5 --- --- --- ---  
Suguna College Of Engg. Coimbatore Mechatronics 84.5 --- --- --- ---  
Suguna College Of Engg. Coimbatore Mechanical 119.5 --- 108.25 105.25 ---  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Aeronautical 102.5 93.75 --- --- ---  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 173.25 155.5 165 161 86.75  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 174.75 114.75 165.75 113 138  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 175.75 130 169.25 119.5 126  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 164.25 --- 151.5 126 ---  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore IT 156 --- 132 138.75 108.25  
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 180.75 150 176.5 162.75 78.75  
Sriguru Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 91 --- --- --- ---  
Sriguru Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 88.25 --- --- --- ---  
Sriguru Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 99.5 --- --- --- ---  
Sriguru Institute of Tech. Coimbatore EEE 118 --- --- --- ---  
Sriguru Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 128.5 --- --- 83 95.75  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Aeronautical 179.5 149 173.75 150.5 82.25  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Bio Medical 193.5 183.25 190.75 182.5 160.25  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Civil Engg. 193.5 191.75 190.5 186.75 170.75  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Computer Sci. 191.75 175.75 190 181 130.5  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Elect. & Comm. 192.75 182 191.5 183.75 150  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore EEE 191.25 181.5 190.25 183.75 149.25  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Elect. & Instru. 190 189.5 188 176.75 124.75  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore IT 189.25 168.75 187.75 175.25 85  
Sri Ramakrishna Engg. CollegeCoimbatore Mechanical 192.75 186.25 191 187 156  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Aeronautical 105.5 --- 95.5 --- 100.5  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Automobile 175.5 145 169.75 151 87  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 187.25 160.25 185 181.75 150.5  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 176 151.75 169 143 105  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 182.5 156.25 179 165.25 98.75  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore EEE 181 178.25 178.5 171.75 117.75  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 160.75 115.5 146.75 119.5 ---  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore IT 168.75 142 165.75 130.25 ---  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Mechatronics 178.75 171.75 174.25 169.5 111.75  
SNS College of Tech.Coimbatore Mechanical 183.5 169.25 180.75 174.5 131  
Ranganathan Engg. College Coimbatore Civil Engg. 91.25 --- --- --- ---  
Ranganathan Engg. College Coimbatore Computer Sci. 185 --- --- --- ---  
Ranganathan Engg. College Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 95.5 --- --- --- ---  
Ranganathan Engg. College Coimbatore Mechanical 89.25 --- --- --- ---  
Pollachi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 108.5 --- 96.25 105.5 89.5  
Pollachi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 131 --- --- --- ---  
Pollachi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 125.75 --- 110.75 122.5 ---  
Pollachi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore EEE 127.5 --- --- --- ---  
Pollachi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 104 --- 99.25 86.25 --- ---
Maharaja Prithvi Engg. College Coimbatore Civil Engg. 96 --- --- 94.25 --- ---
Maharaja Prithvi Engg. College Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 127.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Maharaja Prithvi Engg. College Coimbatore Mechanical 88.5 --- --- 81.75 --- ---
Maharaja Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 106.75 --- 87.5 87.75 --- ---
Maharaja Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 108.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Maharaja Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 152 --- --- --- --- ---
Maharaja Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 107.5 --- 93 --- --- ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Aeronautical 194.25 189.25 192.5 188.5 169 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Automobile 195.75 191 195.5 192.25 168.25 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Bio-Technology 195.75 190 194.5 188.5 165.75 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 196.75 195 196.25 193.75 181.25 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 197 194.75 196.75 193.25 174.75 127.25
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 197.5 195 197 194.25 178.5 148
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore EEE 197.25 194.75 196.75 194 179.75 158.25
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 196.5 191.75 196.25 191.75 170.75 134.5
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Fashion Technology 190.25 186.5 188.75 178 129.75 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore IT 196.5 192 196.25 192.5 170.5 ---
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Mechatronics 196.25 --- 196 192.5 173.25 173.25
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Mechanical 197.5 194 197.25 195 182 176
Kumaraguru College Of Tech.Coimbatore Textile Technology 191.5 185.5 190 180 127.25 ---
Kathir College of Engg. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 128.25 --- 94.75 87.25 82.75 ---
Kathir College of Engg. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 100.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Kathir College of Engg. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 97.25 --- --- --- 93.5 ---
Kathir College of Engg. Coimbatore EEE 115.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Kathir College of Engg. Coimbatore Mechanical 143.75 118.75 121.25 102.25 118.5 ---
KGISL Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Civil Engg. 172.5 --- 165.5 162.75 112.25 ---
KGISL Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Computer Sci. 149.75 113 131.5 124.5 139 ---
KGISL Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 166 145 153.5 123.75 115.25 ---
KGISL Institute of Tech. Coimbatore IT 122.75 --- 91 --- --- ---
KGISL Institute of Tech. Coimbatore Mechanical 167.5 113 162.5 156.75 85 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Automobile 180.75 153.25 178.75 162.75 95.75 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Civil Engg. 188.75 181.25 187.25 184.5 150.75 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Computer Sci. 184.25 166.25 182.25 167.25 95 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Elect. & Comm. 187 175.75 184.25 177 119.5 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore EEE 184.5 149.5 182 174.5 92 134
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Elect. & Instru. 179 150.5 173 147.75 128.75 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Electr. & Telecom. 172.75 119.75 166.5 133 --- ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore IT 181.25 152.5 178.25 161 82 ---
Karpagam College of Engg.Coimbatore Mechanical 187.5 182.5 186.25 182.5 151.5 127.25
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore Civil Engg. 145.5 --- 122 123.5 87.5 ---
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore Computer Sci. 116 --- 99.25 86.75 88.25 ---
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 150.5 --- 116.75 123.75 82.5 ---
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore EEE 106.75 --- --- 92.75 95 ---
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore IT 125.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Adhiparasakthi College Of Engg. Vellore Mechanical 156.5 --- 141.25 146 110.75 ---
Annai Mira College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Civil Engg. 94.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Annai Mira College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Computer Sci. 152.75 --- 90.25 89 129 ---
Annai Mira College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 174 --- 91 94.75 127.75  
Annai Mira College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore EEE 87.75 --- --- --- ---  
Annai Mira College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Mechanical 116 --- 89 91 112.25  
Bharathidasan Engg. College Vellore Civil Engg. 122.5 --- 91.25 85.5 91.25  
Bharathidasan Engg. College Vellore Computer Sci. 90 --- --- --- ---  
Bharathidasan Engg. College Vellore Elect. & Comm. 85 --- --- --- ---  
Bharathidasan Engg. College Vellore EEE 88.5 --- --- --- ---  
Bharathidasan Engg. College Vellore Mechanical 116.25 --- 95.75 86.5 90.5  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Aeronautical 140 85.75 87.5 100.5 109  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Civil Engg. 180.75 178.75 166.5 173.5 147.25  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Computer Sci. 162.25 158 135 128.25 99.25  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 173.5 161.25 148 154.75 125.5  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore EEE 176 170.75 156.75 158 122.75  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore IT 150.75 147 90.25 90.5 77.5  
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Mechanical 180.25 171 171.5 173.5 146.25  
Kingston Engg. College Vellore Civil Engg. 169.25 144 154.75 158.5 142  
Kingston Engg. College Vellore Computer Sci. 162.75 --- 130.75 108.75 90 ---
Kingston Engg. College Vellore Elect. & Comm. 169.75 135.75 147.5 144.75 127.5 161.5
Kingston Engg. College Vellore EEE 148.25 89.5 89.25 92.75 79.25 ---
Kingston Engg. College Vellore IT 123.5 --- 108.5 87.5 100.5 ---
Kingston Engg. College Vellore Mechanical 170.25 153.5 159.5 155 132.75 147
Podhigai College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Computer Sci. 138 --- --- --- --- ---
Podhigai College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 93.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Podhigai College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore EEE 89 --- --- --- --- ---
Podhigai College of Engg. & Tech. Vellore Mechanical 109.25 --- 108.5 96.75 82.75 ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore Civil Engg. 152 137.25 125.25 133.25 124.5 ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore Computer Sci. 80.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore Elect. & Comm. 90 --- --- 78.5 87 ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore EEE 111.75 --- 101.5 80.25 88 ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore IT 89 --- --- --- --- ---
Priyadarshini Engg. College Vellore Mechanical 147.5 116 107.75 125.5 95.5 ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore Civil Engg. 102.5 --- --- 80 81 ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore Computer Sci. 111.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore Elect. & Comm. 88 --- --- --- --- ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore EEE 85 --- --- --- --- ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore IT 86.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Ranippettai Engg. College Vellore Mechanical 105.25 --- 89.75 80.25 --- ---
Sree Krishna College of Engg. Vellore Civil Engg. 94.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Sree Krishna College of Engg. Vellore Computer Sci. 81 --- --- --- --- ---
Sree Krishna College of Engg. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 96.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Sree Krishna College of Engg. Vellore EEE 83 --- --- --- --- ---
Sree Krishna College of Engg. Vellore Mechanical 88.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Thanthai Periyar Govt Institute of Tech. Vellore Civil Engg. 193.5 192.75 191.5 190.25 178.75 171.5
Thanthai Periyar Govt Institute of Tech. Vellore Elect. & Comm. 191.75 181.75 188.25 188.5 179.75 178
Thanthai Periyar Govt Institute of Tech. Vellore Mechanical 191.5 185.25 189.75 189.25 176.5 171.25
Bharathiyar Institute of Engg. for Women Salem Civil Engg. 148.5 102 --- 95.75 119.75 ---
Bharathiyar Institute of Engg. for Women Salem Computer Sci. 138.25 101.5 --- 101.25 --- ---
Bharathiyar Institute of Engg. for Women Salem Elect. & Comm. 139.5 108.5 --- 126.75 168 ---
Bharathiyar Institute of Engg. for Women Salem EEE 89.25 --- --- --- --- ---
A V S Engg. College Salem Civil Engg. 130.5 90 105.5 80.5 90.75 106.75
A V S Engg. College Salem Computer Sci. 92.75 --- --- 88 --- ---
A V S Engg. College Salem Elect. & Comm. 87.75 --- --- --- --- ---
A V S Engg. College Salem EEE 166.5 112.25 156 140 166 ---
A V S Engg. College Salem MECHANICAL 146.5 95.5 112.75 104.75 78.75 ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 155.75 154 145.5 136.5 127.5 ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 96.75 --- --- --- --- ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 141.25 --- 118 133 93.5 ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli EEE 83.75 --- --- --- --- ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli Mechanical 135.25 130.5 93.75 88.25 79.25 ---
C.A.R.E. Group Of Institutions Trichirappalli Material Science 124.25 --- 87.5 112.75 --- ---
Cauvery College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 83 --- --- --- --- ---
Cauvery College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 117.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Cauvery College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 95.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Cauvery College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli EEE 85.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Cauvery College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Mechanical 90.5 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 125.5 112.75 93.75 86.5 112.5 ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 91.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 95 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli EEE 78.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Elect. & Instru. 114.25 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli IT 102.75 --- --- --- --- ---
Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Mechanical 141.25 111.75 100.75 120.25 87 87.5
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 178 119.25 165 157 133 ---
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 168 --- 145.75 117.25 108.25 ---
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 171.25 142.75 141.5 131.75 98.25 ---
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli EEE 156 131.5 121.5 98 92.5 ---
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli IT 104 --- --- 92 --- ---
Kongunadu College of Engg. & Tech. Trichirappalli Mechanical 160.5 113.5 139.75 135.75 82.5 ---
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 158.5 158 140.25 125.25 113.25 ---
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 92 --- --- --- --- ---
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 83.5 --- --- --- ---  
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli EEE 87 --- --- --- ---  
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli IT 82.75 --- --- --- ---  
M.I.E.T Engg. College Trichirappalli Mechanical 138 132.5 104 85 92.25  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 164.5 --- 157.5 152 126.5  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 117 86.5 99 88.25 108  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 90.25 --- --- --- ---  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli EEE 135.5 --- 105.25 --- 90.25  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli Elect. & Instru. 105.75 101 99.5 --- ---  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli IT 112 --- --- --- ---  
M.A.M College of Engg. Trichirappalli Mechanical 152.75 145 137.25 132.5 100.5  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli Civil Engg. 124 89 89.5 88.25 88.5  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli Computer Sci. 92 --- --- --- ---  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli Elect. & Comm. 93 --- --- --- ---  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli EEE 109.5 --- --- --- ---  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli IT 120 --- --- --- ---  
Oxford Engg. College Trichirappalli Mechanical 136.5 112 95.25 113.75 82.5  

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Student Discussion

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