Scope of B.Sc Agriculture- Admission, Eligibility, Syllabus, Colleges & Fees

Scope of BSc Agriculture Admission Eligibility Syllabus Colleges and Fees

Topic We Cover: Scope of BSc Agriculture

1. Agriculture Course Overview

  • Teaching
  • Aim of BSc Agriculture
  • The Ideal Candidate
  • After BSc Agriculture Academic Pursuits– Scope & Opportunities
  • Salary Specs Overview
  • For Agriculture Graduates Careers Scope & Opportunities
  • Top Market Trends in Agriculture – The Future

B.Sc. Agriculture: Career Prospects and Scope

  • B.Sc. Agriculture Jobs
  • B.Sc Agriculture Fresher Jobs
  • B.Sc Agriculture Government Jobs
  • B.Sc Agriculture Private Jobs
  • Major Recruiting Companies in India
  • Higher Study Options after B.Sc (Agriculture) (India)

Scope of B.Sc Agriculture

Many of us confuse or wonder, why opt for BSc Agriculture? It’s really strange as being a basic source of livelihood for most Indians, among students it remains the last preference choosing as a career option.

BSc in Agriculture is a broad-based program with great possibilities for achievement. It manages with things like horticulture, food production, rural economy, animal rearing, environmental health, and rural development, etc. Other industries may face recession and downsizing but the agriculture industry can never fall prey because the major reason for this is “food” is the basic necessity for life. Feeding the world will never face a recession or a slowdown. In fact, the growth and advancement in technology, research, and innovation have to manifold the scope of B.Sc. agriculture in a big way.

By various government and Private Universities, BSc Agriculture is a 4-year UG professional Course offered in India. Day by day in India and abroad, the demand for graduates with a degree in agriculture is growing. In comparison to other professional degrees course fees are also considerably lower, while rewarding with good jobs and a better package.

A student pursuing a BSc Agriculture Program will study a wide variety of subjects including horticulture (fruit science & vegetable), agronomy, plant breeding and genetics, soil sciences, entomology, extension education, plant pathology, animal sciences, agriculture economics, plant biochemistry, basics of biotechnology, etc. As per the guidelines of ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture Research), the syllabus is prepared and is designed to train students to explain ways of enhancing crop production in a continual manner and to provide overall information related to disciplines and agriculture.

Agriculture Course Overview

For Admission in BSc Agriculture (Hons) the eligibility criteria require is 12th (PCB/ PCM) passed with 55% marks. The course is divided into 8 semesters. This 4-year B.Sc. The Agriculture Program aims to provide related knowledge, practical skills, and abilities in agriculture. For a wide range of careers, this degree prepares students related to the industry of agriculture and other allied industries.


Equal significance has been given by the good institutions to theory and practice of Agriculture, which make sure the application of information and to develop hands-on skills. Through study tours and field trips, the spotlight is on classroom teaching and practical experience.

Aim of BSc Agriculture:

  • Conveying subject-related information along with advancing a connection between theory and practical solutions.
  • Among students encourage personal growth and enhance their self-confidence, which will give them favorable circumstances to be a necessary part of the agro-industry.
  • Through scientific and experimental evidence making the agriculture-related subjects interesting.
  • Develop problem-solving skills through practical applications and research.

The Ideal Candidate

An ideal candidate who wishes to do BSc in Agriculture, apart from scoring good marks for entering BSc Agriculture, should possess certain qualities:

  • Have an interest in agro-based learning
  • Possess good organizational skills
  • Have the ability to plan and conduct research
  • Have leadership qualities & capabilities
  • Be able to work in a team
  • Possess managerial and Communication skills
  • To understand the role of economics in an agricultural role possess some numeracy skills 

After BSc Agriculture Academic Pursuits– Scope & Opportunities

It's attainable to pursue a PG Degree Program in agriculture-related subjects which will extend the scope such as soil sciences, specializing in agronomy, plant breeding, horticulture, and genetics, animal sciences, entomology, plant pathology, agriculture economics, extension education, plant biochemistry, biotechnology, etc.  MSc is a 2-year course in Various Agriculture Programs that can be taken up by a candidate who holds a BSc degree in horticulture/ agriculture/ forestry from a recognized university with the required qualifying marks.

In front of graduates, there are plenty of government as well as Private job opportunities are present. If we are talking about govt. jobs, to fill up Officer level posts state Agriculture depts. recruits graduates. To fill up Officer level posts (generally dealing with Loans), govt. banks also recruit graduates.

If we are talking about Private Sector jobs, then graduates may find jobs as Officers at Fertilizer Manufacturing firms, as Managers at Plantations, Agricultural Products Marketing firms, Agriculture Machinery Industries Food processing units, etc. The average initial salary is generally between 2-4.5 Lakh Rupees per anum.

Salary Specs Overview

  1. Government Job- In govt. job the fixed salary will depend upon Officer Class and Grade.
  2. Private Job- salary between 2-4.5 Lakh Rupees per annum is generally the package in private jobs.
  3. Entrepreneurship/Own venture- not fixed.

The R&D Sector associated with this field is a promising one. One may build a career in that sector, after completing relevant M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses.

For Agriculture Graduates Careers Scope & Opportunities

In the government as well as the private sector, BSc Agriculture graduates have ample job opportunities. They can be hired as Block Development Officers (BDO) and Agriculture Development Officers (ADO) The opportunities related to employment are available as:

  • Agriculture Research Scientist
  • Specialist in Subject Matter in different Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)
  • Extension Officer
  • Field Officer
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Plantation Manager
  • Research Officer
  • Quality Assurance Officer
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Agriculture Loan Officer (in Banks)
  • Production Manager
  • Farm Manager
  • Officer in Quality Assurance in Related Fields
  • Agriculture Loan Officer in Banks
  • Production Manager
  • Operations Manager in Fertilizer Units
  • Business Development Manager
  • Food Processing Units in Government
  • Agri-Preneurship
  • and, Seed Technologies Firm, etc. and the list goes on.

After pursuing BSc, from various government and private universities, those who want to study further can go for an MSc program that offers a scope of teaching, research or pursuing a Ph.D.

Top Market Trends in Agriculture – The Future

The sector of agriculture is becoming more advanced, scientific, modern, and technology-oriented. Changing demographics in the food production system, resource management strategies, Shifting farm structures, evolving biotechnology strategies, are playing a major role in the food production and management systems. For students who have select to pursue an education in the agriculture field specialization in agriculture opens up a world of possibilities.


Across India, many agricultural colleges are well-known to offer B.Sc. Agriculture course. These colleges can predominantly be divided into two types – Government colleges and private colleges.

On the basis of the entity that owns the college, the classification of colleges has been carried out.

Government colleges work under the State or Central Government department. On the other hand, private colleges work under charitable trusts or private education.

To charge low tuition fees the government agriculture colleges are known. On the other hand, to charge relatively higher tuition fees the private agriculture colleges are acknowledged.

Let’s have a look at some of the popular agriculture colleges in India –

  • Anand Agricultural University
  • Junagadh Agricultural University
  • Indian Agricultural Research Institute
  • Navsari Agricultural University
  • Parul University
  • Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University
  • Kerala Agricultural University
  • College of Agriculture, Vellayani
  • Shivaji University
  • Calicut University
  • College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Pune
  • NSS College
  • MPKV
  • College of Agriculture, Pune
  • Amity University
  • Sharda University

Get Updated Review ( Voice Based Alumni Feeback)

  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Lovely Professional University - [LPU] – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Amity University – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Bennet University – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - SRM University Sonipat – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Ansal University – Click Here

B.Sc. Agriculture: Career Prospects and Scope

B.Sc. Agriculture Jobs

From this degree of B.Sc. Agriculture the graduates can find jobs in public and private sectors both. In the field of agriculture, the necessity of agriculture is growing very quickly and thereby there is increase in job prospects.

Today in government projects, B.Sc. Agriculture graduates are readily accepted. Research organizations, Agricultural departments, Commercial farming, Extension services, etc. are some of the industries or allied sectors where graduates in this field can find job opportunities.

Below mentioned are some govt. sectors which have job opportunities for such graduates are available:

  • Indian Agricultural Research Institute
  • National Seeds Corporation Limited
  • State Farms Corporation of India
  • Food Corporation of India
  • National Dairy Development Board
  • NABARD and other banks
  • Agricultural finance corporations
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
  • North Eastern Region Agricultural Marketing Corporation

To agriculture graduates there are following jobs offered from the private sectors:

  • Agro-industries
  • Agriculture Marketing
  • Financial sector with the focus on agriculture
  • Micro-finance institutions
  • Fertilizer companies
  • Agri-biotech organizations

Below mentioned are some of the best agro-based products’ companies that offer jobs to B.Sc. Agriculture graduates.

  • DuPont India
  • Rallies India Limited
  • Advanta Limited
  • National Agro Industries
  • Raasi Seeds
  • ABT Industries
  • Phalada Agro Research Foundation Limited.

Some job profiles that are offered to B.Sc. Agriculture graduates are given below:

Job Profile

Description of Job

Salary of Avg. Monthly

Agriculture Officer

He/she is the one who works with farmers and companies connected to agriculture. To expand the Agri. productivity the prime role of an Agri. the officer is to mentor farmers and companies.

INR 20,000-35,000

Assistant Plantation Manager

This is the one who is answerable for the efficient and advantageous management of harvesting and other operations related to the plantation.

INR 30,000-40,000

Agricultural Research Scientist

They are one who begins with doing research work. They are mainly concerned with the biological processes of various things and their relations with products and processes comprising both lab work and fieldwork. To improve animal or soil health, nutrition, etc they also invent new methods.

INR 10,000-40,000

Agriculture Development Officer

To improve the productivity of soil and other agricultural practices an agriculture development officer works similarly to an agriculture officer.

INR 20,000-35,000

Agriculture Technician

They work to invent methods to improve the yield of crops and protect animals from diseases. Agricultural technicians do work related to animal research, food, production, fiber, and processing.

INR 20,000-30,000

Marketing Exe.

To bring customers and fulfill their necessity in order to grow profits, a marketing exec. advertises a product and advances sales means of arriving. In the corporate world, it is one of the most well-known job profiles.

INR 15,000-30,000

Rice Breeder

To advance the yield of rice crop, he/she bring in and expands new tools, strategies, and technologies.

INR 40,000-60,000

Seed Technologist

He/she provide support to seed growers by helping them with operations of the planting seeds, seed equipment, and seed scouting.

INR 15,000-25,000

B.Sc Agriculture Jobs:

For graduates of B.Sc Agri. the employment areas are:

  1. Colleges & Universities
  2. Agriculture Sector
  3. Agriculture
  4. Directorate of Agriculture - Manipur

For graduates of B.Sc Agri. the type of jobs are:

  • Actuarial Analyst
  • Sales Officer
  • Agriculture Portfolio Manager
  • Program Manager
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Research/Fundamental Analyst
  • Primary Production Manager
  • Farming Consultant/Agronomist
  • Associate Manager
  • Agricultural Lecturer
  • Subject Matter Specialist
  • Management Executive
  • Marketing Executive
  • Project Manager

For B.S Agri. graduates placement favorable circumstances are extremely large and ample:

In the primary economic sector, they can set up their own business such as plantations, cattle rearing, farming, fisheries, mining, poultry farming, etc. The avg. min. salary for a B.Sc Agriculture graduate is around INR 5,00,000 to INR 9,00,000. To fill up Officer level posts govt. banks also recruit graduates (generally dealing with loans).

Graduates may find jobs in the following private sectors;

  • Managers at Plantations
  • Officers at Fertilizer Manufacturing firms
  • Agriculture Machinery Industries
  • Agricultural Products Marketing firms
  • Food processing units etc. 

B.Sc Agriculture Fresher Jobs:

The wide spectrum of job opportunities available to freshers graduating from Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] Agriculture course is listed below:

  1. Actuarial Analyst
  2. Sales Officer
  3. Agriculture Officer
  4. Research/Fundamental Analyst
  5. Management Executive
  6. Marketing Executive

B.Sc Agriculture Government Jobs:

The wide scope of employability for a graduate in Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] Agriculture course in the public sector is enlisted as below:

  1. Actuarial Analyst
  2. Sales Officer
  3. Agriculture Portfolio Manager
  4. Program Manager
  5. Agriculture Officer
  6. Research/Fundamental Analyst
  7. Primary Production Manager
  8. Farming Consultant/Agronomist
  9. Associate Manager
  10. Agricultural Lecturer
  11. Subject Matter Specialist
  12. Management Executive
  13. Marketing Executive
  14. Project Manager

B.Sc Agriculture Private Jobs:

In the private sector, the ample extent of employability for a B.Sc. graduate Agri. the course is enlisted as below:

  1. Actuarial Analyst
  2. Sales Officer
  3. Program Manager
  4. Research/Fundamental Analyst
  5. Primary Production Manager
  6. Associate Manager
  7. Agricultural Lecturer
  8. Subject Matter Specialist
  9. Management Executive
  10. Marketing Executive
  11. Project Manager

Major Recruiting Companies in India

  • State Bank of India
  • Union Bank of India
  • Oriental Bank of Commerce
  • Syndicate Bank
  • Indian Overseas Bank
  • Triveni Engg. & Industries
  • Crystal Phosphates Ltd.
  • Mahyco Seeds Ltd.
  • DuPont India Ltd.
  • Bayer Crop Science
  • Simitono
  • Thomson Reuters Group
  • ISS Hicare
  • IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd.
  • DSCL Sugar Group
  • Simbhaoli Sugar Ltd.
  • NDDB Dairy Services
  • Savannah Sesds Pvt. Ltd.
  • TECHNICO Agrisciences Ltd.
  • Dhanuka Agritech Ltd.

Higher Study Options after B.Sc (Agriculture) (India)

  • MBA in Agri-Business
  • M.Sc. in Vegetable Science
  • M.Sc. in Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering
  • M.Sc. in Spices and Plantation Crops
  • M.Sc. in Soil Science and Agricultural Management
  • M.Sc. in Soil Science
  • M.Sc. in Soil Conservation and Water Management
  • M.Sc. in Silviculture
  • M.Sc.  in Sericulture
  • M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology
  • M.Sc. in Olericulture
  • M.Sc. in Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • M.Sc. in Fruits & Orchard Management
  • Master of Science in Entomology
  • M.Sc. in Crop Physiology
  • M.Sc. in Agronomy
  • M.Sc. in Agro- Meteorology
  • M.Sc. in Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Science
  • M.Sc. in Agriculture Biotechnology
  • M.Sc. in Agriculture
  • M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology & Physics
  • M.Sc. in Agricultural Entomology
  • M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Business Management
  • M.Sc. in Agricultural Biochemistry

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Student Discussion

  • K.Anjaneyulu 2016-08-19 12:35:51

    As i'm in 3rd year i have very less knowledge about this question. but according to our seniors only few were placed and that too later on was cheated.