What is Career Counselling- Benefits of Counselling

Career Counselling

Topic We Cover: Career Counselling




In today’s Era of globalization and Internet; world, economy and jobs all are facing rapid changes. This is the age of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and companies are invariably working on innovation. Such forms of jobs have emerged out that didn’t even exist in last few years.

Just a few decades ago every parent wanted their child to take up traditional career in form of a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer. But in present day fast changing job environment, culture and proliferation of opportunities there are various parameters which are open for the students. The only requirement is to realise and explore what career and job profile would give you boundless contentment and bliss.

A question which most of us wonder or have in our minds during our school or college life is how can we realise which profile and career shall be elected by us? What profession shall be selected by us that will suit to our attitude, persona and interest? There are some students who are able to make this crucial decision by their own understanding and wisdom. Rest are those who require counselling by parents, teachers, and friends and may be some other person who is an expert. Such professionals, who are able to understand the human nature, their thoughts and queries and are able to guide you in the correct direction are called as Career Counsellor’s.

Due to the unprecedented rise in the business opportunities an advice of career experts would enormously help the students in deciding the appropriate career and matching with the speed of this staunchly changing world.


Career Counselling is a very wide term which not only includes making self realisation of what actually will benefit us and our life in future in form of our career but also aids in realising the real potential of a student and directing him/her towards a legitimate path. Understanding our vision, our expectations towards a particular stream, direction and career and explaining us what can be achieved if the decision of career selection is pertinent and according to the inclination of our choice is called CAREER COUNSELLING.

When a student passes out 10th grade the first question that arises in his/her mind is “what should be the next step”? The same question would arise when he/she finishes school. Through Career Counselling a student’s interest, their personality and aptitude all are invigilated and then a right course of studies and career is suggested to them. This is a procedure in which various factors of an individual are evaluated by the counsellor and then the most suitable opinions are provided to you.

Career Counselling becomes imperative for students to elect from various educational platforms and for helping these students to adapt themselves in this steadfastly changing industry and ultimately securing them a job which would provide them the lifestyle they want.  Career Counselling basically orients the youthful mind into the correct direction and Newest Opportunities in Career.


In every one’s life there comes such a point of time and situation where you are not able to decide something. There is a conundrum situation and you need expertise help of somebody who can pull you out from such a condition where you are unable to decide what subjects shall be beneficial to your career progression, What Career to Choose that will give you a secured life. These questions, when haunts students, then there arises the need for career counselling. Also Career Counselling can be beneficial in following ways:


Career Counsellor’s are experts in the field of psychology and in apprehending the human behaviour. A counsellor gauge students and their behaviour on many aspects like their interests, personality, and aptitude and then by the result of such assessment helps the students in making the right choice.

Selection of an appropriate career is must.  This is because then only you will fall in love with your profession and your career graph would rise which would give you immense satisfaction in relation to your job profile.

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Through Counselling a Student is able to learn the hurdles that he could face in choosing a particular career path. He can understand whether opportunities would be available in future in a particular profession and whether the job would be guaranteed or not.

All these queries, once answered, provide huge confidence in students that whichever choice they are opting is excellent and that they would definitely land up with a career of their dreams.


Through counselling the real potential of a student can be determined. A person’s weaknesses and areas where he remains confused about his career preferences are highlighted. Therefore, through Career Counselling Sessions and Aptitude tests he would be able to elect the field of his/her specialization and overcome the weaknesses. And thereafter the correct streams and subjects and field of career can be identified to accomplish the goal of bright career.


Once students are able to single out the stream that they want to pursue the career in it may seem simpler for them to move ahead. But, through career counselling one can have exact clarity about how to proceed in that field. What will be the eligibility for pursuing higher education in that field, How to proceed to excel in Various Educational Courses and other awareness about how easily good job can be earned All these perspectives are answered and transparency and future vision will be explained about a respective course and streams.


Career counselling provides the essential support which the students need during the Admission Processes and keeps motivating the students as and when necessary for future success. By counselling one can develop techniques which are required for expanding their network which would eventually provide support in emotional terms and career also.

Students go through continuous changes in life when they pass out from class XII and enter the college world. Similar chain of events occurs when they complete their higher education and get ready to absorb themselves in the practical job life or doing business. Career Counselling plays an indispensable role in keeping the students morale high by guiding them whenever there is some sort of dilemma or need.


A person goes through various phases in life. Schooling, College, Higher Education and then finally career (either job or business) - all are crucial and mandatory in our life’s. Every time when we are taking a new step in our life we need guidance and support of someone. That someone can be your professors, your parents, your siblings or some Professional Career Counsellor.

For example if a student has just cleared class X then the question as to which stream shall be chosen in Class XI stands in front of him/her. So there comes a state of being bewildered for the student and there he requires a suitable advice which will help in future also. Similarly during the transition period from school to college again puzzlement occurs about what to do and from where to do. This is a time period in a student’s life where a lot of emotional, physical and mental changes are also happening. The important decisions of career are also to be taken and, therefore, a proper enlightenment is required by an expert or an experience holder.

There also arises such a situation in the college student’s life when they are completely perplexed about whether they are getting happiness in the education that they are taking. Whether it will prove to be satisfactory for the career they want to pursue. May be they want some change in their academic front after they are over with College and have to start with higher studies. These all questions keep creating anxiety in their young minds. Also there are such professional who are well settled in their career but due to the love and passion for something else they want to switch over to a completely new chapter in life. These are cases when Career Counselling plays an exigent role and will make you draw a clear picture in your mind as it will help in below mentioned ways:

  1. Through Counselling such students and professionals can get an in-depth knowledge of various available career options and accordingly the information about the educational degrees they need to attain for it.
  2. Counselling will help in understanding the strength and weaknesses with regard to present education or profession they are pursuing and what will be beneficial and suitable for them according to their desire and interest.
  3. Counselling can act as a platform for students, where they can speak up and discuss their individual thoughts about what they are pursuing and what they want to, and the obstacles and hurdles which will come in the process of shift over, how to overcome such problems and everything can be re-arranged.
  4. Through help of counselling, transition from one educational stream to other or from one career to another becomes a non-stressful procedure. As everything will be planned and will proceed in a systematic manner.
  5. Counselling enhances your confidence level and provides encouragement for the transformation which is required by students or job doers.


Misconceptions build up very easily. There are various benefits of Careers Counselling and it has benefitted always. However, there are some negative conceptions that can be ignored. Such as:

  1. Most people think that through Career Counselling only general advices are given which may be common for all. But friends it is not this way. Counsellors are professional in their work and they give you advice unique to you, according to your abilities and interest. These are unbiased suggestions and help you pick best career option for you.
  2. Students generally have a mindset that through counselling they can get instant result. Yes, of course you will get results but the pace initially is slow. Counselling involves planning and it takes time, effort and patience. The results will take time and will surely be in a positive manner.
  3. Students have a perception that through counselling they can get admission in reputed colleges and jobs in good companies directly. But this is not true in the view that this is only an advisory help. Counsellors are not accredited to any academic institutions. They can just help you reach your aim through the potential you have, in yourself.

Career Counselling is a process which runs on scientific approach and factual information about the students and candidates who take counselling. Counsellors have a proper research based methodologies and move in a calculated manner.


A genuine advice can be given by an experienced and Good Career Counsellor. Counsellor should be such a person who is a keen listener, has patience and absorbs our problems and has adequate information and knowledge about various fields and new opportunities so that he can guide such in a right manner.

She/he shall be problem solver and should have expertise in studying psychology of humans. Counsellor shall also assure that he is going to maintain confidentiality of the information which has been shared to him.

During Career Counselling such a comfortable environment is created by the counsellor that students feel very easy to discuss the problems and anxiety that they are facing and henceforth, an appropriate Guidance Relating to the Education, career, job etc is provided to them.

A trust and understanding has to be built up between the students and counsellor so that maximum can be derived out of this relationship and all the problems are healed up from the roots.

Choosing correct career is very important for having a luxurious and secure living and if any time you are in such a situation where you are not able to decide then seek help through Career Counselling about this decisive decision of your life.

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