CMAT Cut Off 2019-20 For Various Top Management Colleges [Top Trending]

CMAT Cut Off: Give your career the much needed boost and brilliance

Management degree aspirants have to undergo some anxious moments and surpass tough examinations to achieve their goals. However, there are several prestigious platforms which help them achieve their true potential. One of them is the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT), a national level entrance examination conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) per year. Further, it is conducted keeping in view the guidelines of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India. Some of the topics which should be consistently practiced by students constitute Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Technique, Language comprehension and general awareness issues. The scores of this test are accepted by several AICTE approved institutions and colleges. CMAT 2019-20 was conducted on 17th January 2019-20 and witnessed excellent competition. A MBA Degree opens up avenues of success and helps one to gain excellence. So, let us prepare for the best and undertake new challenges. CMAT cut off 2015 for various colleges is listed below:

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College Name Intake Exams CMAT Percentile
CMAT Cut Off Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai CAT, CMAT, GMAT India, XAT 280/98 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute for Financial Management & Research, Changambakkam CMAT, CAT, XAT, GMAT India 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai CMAT, MAH CET, CAT 285/99.92 percentile
CMAT Cut Off ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior CMAT, CAT, MAT Approx 200/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Prin. LN Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Mumbai CMAT, CAT, XAT, ATMA, MAH CET 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai CAT, CMAT, GMAT India, MAH CET, XAT 246/99.20 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Goa Institute of Management, Goa XAT, CMAT, GMAT India, CAT, ATMA 260/99.85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra CAT, CMAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bangalore CAT, CMAT, XAT, UGAT-AIMA, MAT, ATMA 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Finance and International Management, Bangalore CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Balaji Institute of Modern Management, Pune CAT, CMAT, XAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, Mumbai CMAT, MAH CET, MAT, CAT, ATMA, XAT 246/99.20 percentile
CMAT Cut Off PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore CAT, CMAT, GMAT India, TANCET MBA, MAT, XAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Alliance School of Business, Bangalore CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA, UGAT-AIMA, AUMAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin CAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT 150/65 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Harihar CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off National Institute of Technology, Durgapur CAT, CMAT 156/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore CAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT, GMAT India 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Department of Management Sciences, University of Pune, Pune CMAT, CAT, MAH CET 210/96.42 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Thiagarajar School of Management, Thirupparankundram CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, TANCET MBA 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata CAT, CMAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Secunderabad CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT India, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off VIT Business School, Vellore CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT India 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences, Bangalore CMAT, CAT, GMAT India, ATMA, KMAT, MAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Prin. LN Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Bangalore CAT, CMAT, XAT, ATMA 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai MAT, CMAT, XAT, CAT, GMAT India, ATMA, MAH CET 170/82 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, GMAT India 170/82 percentile
CMAT Cut Off KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT India, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management, Tathawade CMAT, MAT, XAT, CAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Cochin CAT, CMAT, MAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off ITM School of Business, Gwalior CMAT, CAT, MP MBA Admission 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off DC School of Management and Technology, Pullikkanam CMAT, MAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore CMAT, MAT, KMAT, CAT 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off MAEER’s MIT School of Business, Pune CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore CMAT, MP MBA Admission 220/97 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management, Ahmedabad CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi CMAT, CAT, XAT 199/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off SRM University, Chennai MAT, CMAT, CAT, XAT, GMAT India 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off SIES College of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai MAT, CMAT, CAT, ATMA 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore CAT, CMAT, XAT, GMAT India, MAT, ATMA 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar CAT, CMAT 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad CAT, CMAT, MAT, GMAT India, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off FLAME University, Pune CAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT, GMAT India 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad CMAT, APICET Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off College of Management and Economics Studies, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun CMAT, CAT, UPES-MET, XAT, MAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Woxsen School of Business, Hyderabad CMAT, CAT, GMAT India, XAT Approx 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar CMAT, MAT, CAT, XAT, ATMA Approx 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Myra School of Business, Mysore CAT, CMAT, XAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Lovely Professional University, Phagwara MAT, CMAT, XAT, GMAT India, UGAT-AIMA, CAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Pune CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA Approx 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Management Studies, Noida MAT, CMAT, CAT, UGAT-AIMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur CAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT 180/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Hindustan University, Kelambakkam CAT, CMAT, MAT Approx 180/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off GITAM Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAT, GMAT India, GOT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Fortune Institute of International Business, Delhi CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Doon Business School, Dehradun MAT, CMAT, CAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Chandigarh University, Chandigarh CAT, CMAT, MAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off BK School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad CMAT 180/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Usha and Lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management, New Delhi CMAT, CAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA Approx 180/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Balaji Institute of Management and Human Resource Development, Tathawade CAT, CMAT, XAT, MAH CET, MAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Balaji Institute of International Business, Tathawade CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad CAT, CMAT Approx 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Acharya Bangalore B-School, Bangalore CMAT, CAT, MAT, KMAT, XAT, SNAP 180/90 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Vishwakarma Institute of Management, Pune MAT, CMAT, ATMA, CAT, GMAT India, XAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems and Management, Hyderabad CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad CMAT, MAT, CAT, XAT, GMAT India, APICET, ATMA 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off VES Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai CMAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Velammal Engineering College, Chennai CMAT, TANCET MBA Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off University of North Bengal, Siliguri CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT Approx 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Universal Business School, Raigad CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT India, ATMA Approx 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Surana College Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Bangalore MAT, CMAT, KMAT Approx 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off St Josephs Institute of Management, Tiruchirapalli XAT, CMAT, CAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off School of Management, Dr. DY Patil University, Navi Mumbai CAT, CMAT, MAT Approx 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off SaiBalaji International Institute of Management, Pune CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT, APICET 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior CMAT 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off MIT School of Telecom Management, Pune CMAT, CAT, XAT, MAT, GMAT India, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Medi-Caps Institute of Technology and Management, Indore CMAT 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off KCT Business School, Coimbatore CMAT, GMAT India, CAT, MAT 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Kaziranga University, Jorhat CAT, CMAT, MAT, GMAT India, XAT, ATMA Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji, New Delhi MAT, XAT, CMAT, GGSIPU CET BBA, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, Delhi CMAT, MAT, CAT, UGAT-AIMA, GGSIPU CET BBA, XAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off ITS Institute of Management, Greater Noida CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off International School of Business and Media, Pune CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off International Institute of Management Studies, Pune CMAT, CAT, MAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Science and Management, Ranchi CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indus Business School, Pune CMAT, MAT, CAT, ATMA Approx 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indus Business Academy, Greater Noida CMAT, CAT, MAT, GMAT India 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indus Business Academy, Bangalore CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, GMAT India, KMAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Indira School of Business Studies, Pune CMAT, CAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off IES Management College and Research Centre, Mumbai CMAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off GNVS Institute of Management, Mumbai CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, GMAT India Approx 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali CMAT, CAT, MAT 200/95 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai CMAT, CAT, XAT, MAT, GMAT India 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore CMAT 160/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad CMAT, MAT, CAT, GMAT India, XAT, ATMA, APICET Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off CK Shah Vijapurwala Institute of Management, Vadodara CMAT 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere CMAT, KMAT, CAT, XAT Approx 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Bapuji Academy of Management and Research, Davanagere CMAT, CAT, MAT Approx 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Shivalik Institute of Management Education and Research, Durg CMAT, CAT, MAT Approx 150/60 percentile
CMAT Cut Off ITM Business School, Chennai CMAT, CAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT India, ATMA 170/75 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Institute of Business Management and Research, IPS Academy, Indore CMAT, MAT Approx 180/85 percentile
CMAT Cut Off Gnanam School of Business, Sengipatti CMAT, MAT, CAT, XAT Approx 180/85 percentile

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Student Discussion

  • Ibrahim Bathishak 2016-08-20 18:43:51

    Campus placement or campus interview is the program conducted within educational institutes or in a common place to provide jobs to students pursuing or in the stage of completing the programme. there were tcs, infosys, hp, wipro