How do I upload my 10th certificate for the JEE Advanced registration in less than 300KB jpg

How do I upload my 10th certificate for the JEE Advanced registration in less than 300KB jpg ?

Pankaj , 11 May 2018

1 Answers

I also faced this problem last year,so here is the solution for this.(for both size compression and scanning) For size compression : 1. Open your 10th certificate pic in paint.->then in home section there is option “resize” click on that and choose your desirable size 2. Second option is 'microsoft office picture manager’ this software is also available in approx all window user ,so open your pic in this,then there is option of 'edit picture's click on that than again there is option resize on the right side click on that and choose your desirable size. For scanning 1.scane only the upper part(I.e where your mark has been shown). 2. There is App “Cam scanner” (available in playstore) take your 10th certificate picture from this App,it will convert the picture in scanned form(I.e picture look like scanning pic). Follow the link : JEE Advanced Registration