How are guest lectures and workshops by industry professionals integrated into LPU’s curriculum?

How are guest lectures and workshops by industry professionals integrated into LPU’s curriculum? ?

Sankalp shrivastava , 16 Sep 2024

1 Answers

LPU integrates guest lectures and workshops by industry professionals into its curriculum through a structured approach. The university invites industry experts to deliver guest lectures and conduct workshops on specific topics, which are aligned with the curriculum and industry needs. These sessions provide students with insights into the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The guest lectures and workshops are typically conducted in collaboration with the faculty members, who ensure that the sessions are relevant to the course curriculum and learning outcomes. The guest lectures and workshops are also designed to provide students with opportunities to interact with industry professionals, ask questions, and seek guidance on their projects and career aspirations. LPU's industry partners play a key role in identifying the topics and speakers for the guest lectures and workshops, ensuring that they are relevant to current industry needs and trends. The university's faculty members and industry partners work together to ensure that the guest lectures and workshops are integrated into the curriculum in a way that enhances the learning experience and provides students with a competitive edge in the job market. By integrating guest lectures and workshops into its curriculum, LPU provides students with a unique learning experience that prepares them for success in their chosen fields.