Uttar Pradesh Textile Technology Institute based in Kanpur, is known as a prominent textile institute of the North India region. The institute was founded in the year 1914 and has a vision of producing top notch graduates who would act as perfect resources to the industry and would be able to cope up with the cutting edge technology utilized nowadays.
Branch/Course Name | Catgory | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Man Made Fibre Technology | BCAF (Backward) | 17107 | 17107 |
BCFF (Backward + Freedom Fighter) | 70857 | 70857 | |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 12126 | 16104 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 8795 | 10922 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 11456 | 11456 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 53203 | 53203 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 7807 | 10963 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 2816 | 8292 | |
GNPH (General + Physical Disabled) | 41082 | 41082 | |
SCAF (Scheduled Cast Air Force/Army Quota) | 64680 | 64680 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 34353 | 45235 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 19036 | 32884 | |
SCPH (Schdeule Cast + Physical Disabled) | 111144 | 111144 | |
STOP (Scheduled Tribe) | 40973 | 40973 | |
Man Made Fibre Technology (Fee Waiver Seat ) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 2914 | 6559 |
Textile Chemistry | BCAF (Backward) | 19837 | 19837 |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 11224 | 16094 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 7619 | 9127 | |
BCPH (Backward + Physical Disabled) | 39314 | 39314 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 9660 | 11356 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 44491 | 44491 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 5349 | 9407 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 2899 | 7231 | |
SCAF (Scheduled Cast Air Force/Army Quota) | 56755 | 56755 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 26209 | 29134 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 22055 | 34311 | |
STOP (Scheduled Tribe) | 27761 | 27761 | |
Textile Chemistry (Fee Waiver Seat) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 4071 | 6284 |
Textile Engineering | BCFF (Backward + Freedom Fighter) | 54661 | 54661 |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 11812 | 12393 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 7156 | 7595 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 7067 | 7067 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 4537 | 6964 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 3680 | 5419 | |
GNPH (General + Physical Disabled) | 22816 | 22816 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 29113 | 31510 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 18229 | 26919 | |
STOP (Scheduled Tribe) | 54879 | 54879 | |
Textile Engineering (Fee Waiver Seat) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 2658 | 5039 |
Textile Technology | BCAF (Backward) | 12762 | 12762 |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 9129 | 14040 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 5868 | 7108 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 5282 | 5282 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 45024 | 45024 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 4958 | 7873 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 2239 | 5114 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 33178 | 35440 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 13321 | 24141 | |
STGL (Scheduled Tribe Girls) | 68173 | 68173 | |
Textile Technology (Fee Waiver Seat ) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 3669 | 3765 |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | BCAF (Backward) | 5481 | 5481 |
BCFF (Backward + Freedom Fighter) | 48060 | 48060 | |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 7245 | 8286 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 2482 | 3337 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 3566 | 3566 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 14985 | 14985 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 2181 | 3242 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 1193 | 2329 | |
GNPH (General + Physical Disabled) | 16774 | 16774 | |
SCAF (Scheduled Cast Air Force/Army Quota) | 36684 | 36684 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 16930 | 18681 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 10544 | 14987 | |
STAF (Scheduled Tribe + Air Force/Army Quota) | 97919 | 97919 | |
Electronics & Communication Engineering (Fee Waiver Seat) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 1663 | 1692 |
Information Technology | BCAF (Backward) | 5793 | 5793 |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 5729 | 8581 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 3431 | 3800 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 3832 | 3832 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 29897 | 29897 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 2808 | 3584 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 820 | 2573 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 20347 | 21685 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 14112 | 17735 | |
STOP (Scheduled Tribe) | 27782 | 27782 | |
Information Technology (Fee Waiver Seat) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 1709 | 2092 |
Mechanical Engineering | BCAF (Backward) | 3751 | 3751 |
BCGL (Backward Category Girl) | 8709 | 8717 | |
BCOP (Backward Category Open) | 1804 | 2471 | |
GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) | 3448 | 3448 | |
GNFF (General+ Freedom Fighter) | 14815 | 14815 | |
GNGL (General Girl) | 2769 | 4431 | |
GNOP (General Open) | 990 | 1576 | |
GNPH (General + Physical Disabled) | 19692 | 19692 | |
SCGL (Schedule Cast Girl) | 13546 | 16005 | |
SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) | 8018 | 9690 | |
STOP (Scheduled Tribe) | 20614 | 20614 | |
Mechanical Engineering (Fee Waiver Seat ) | FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) | 1143 | 1149 |