
Dr. M.C. Saxena College of Engg. and Technology

Established in the year 2004, Dr. M.C. Saxena College of Engg. and Technology is committed to help students develop as top notch professionals in life. The highly qualified faculty of the institute teaches students adequate skills to help them succeed in the corporate sphere.

Branch / Course Name Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
Computer Science & Engg GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) 29718 29718
  GNGL (General Girl) 56023 109103
  GNOP (General Open) 30019 142792
Computer Science & Engg (Fee Waiver Seat) FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) 23615 56578
Electronics & Communication Engineering GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) 71195 71195
  GNGL (General Girl) 105179 143397
  GNOP (General Open) 63320 146719
Electronics & Communication Engineering (Fee Waiver Seat) FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) 60133 75771
Information Technology GNGL (General Girl) 54602 68279
  GNOP (General Open) 102791 136747
Information Technology (Fee Waiver Seat) FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) 42837 131141
Mechanical Engineering BCOP (Backward Category Open) 129158 140148
  GNAF (Sons / Daughters of Defence Personnel of UP) 120700 120700
  GNGL (General Girl) 67386 67386
  GNOP (General Open) 23708 115308
  SCOP (Schdeule Cast Open) 133448 150702
Mechanical Engineering (Fee Waiver Seat ) FWOP (All Reserve Cetegory) 46546 60665