
KVG College of Engineering, Sullia

KVG College of Engineering, Sullia can be termed as one of the most distinguished colleges in Karnataka. Started in 1986, the college is renowned on account of offering excellent technical education to the masses.

  Civil Computers Electronics Electrical Mechanical
1G (General) 87361 100523 -- -- 93144
1K (Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
1R (Rural) 92798 -- -- -- --
2AG (Reserved Category) 87014 107564 -- -- 92455
2AK (Reserved Category Kannada) 87658 -- -- -- --
2AR (Reserved Category Rural) 91422 -- -- -- 105553
2BG (General Category) 83111 97137 -- -- 82933
2BK (Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
2BR (Reserved Rural) -- -- -- -- 91350
3AG (Reserved General) 81740 100985 -- -- 81773
3AK (General Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
3AR (General Rural) -- 103215 -- -- --
3BG (Reserved General) 81009 94927 -- -- 85152
3BK (Reserved Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
3BR (Reserved Rural) 82331 -- -- -- --
GM (General Merit) 78231 92409 112344 109870 81549
GMK (General Merit Kannada) 80399 93583 -- -- 82451
GMR (General Merit Rural) 81180 100327 -- -- 84109
SCG (Schedule Caste General) 98688 107445 -- -- 104588
SCK (Schedule Caste Karnataka) 101015 -- -- -- 104838
SCR (Schedule Caste Rural) 108662 -- -- -- 108466
STG (Schedule Tribe General) 84277 101004 -- -- 98536
STK (Schedule Tribe Karnataka) -- -- -- -- --
STR (Schedule Tribe Rural) -- -- -- -- --
Karnataka Cut-off