GATE 2019-20: The Second Path to IIT

GATE 2018

Topic We Cover: GATE 2018

1. GATE 2019: Important Dates
2. GATE 2019: Registration
3. GATE 2019 Registration Fee
4. GATE 2019 Corrections
5. GATE 2019 Eligibility
6. GATE 2019: Exam Pattern
7. GATE 2019: Syllabus
8. GATE 2019: Admit Card
9. GATE 2019: Answer Key
10. GATE 2019: Result
11. GATE 2019: Score Card
12. GATE 2019: Cutoff
13. GATE 2019: PSU Recruitment
14. HAL GATE 2017 cutoff
15. NTPC GATE 2017 Cutoff
16. GATE 2019: Importance of M.Tech
17. GATE 2019: Preparation and planning

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GATE 2019 registrations began on September 1 this year.

The IITs will be welcoming engineering and science graduates through their doors yet again with the beginning of registration process for GATE 2019. GATE 2019 will be compulsory as always for graduates aspiring to pursue PG courses in fields of engineering and technology.

Like other IIT entrance exams, cracking GATE is no mean feat. Although qualification ratio compared to JEE remains higher, the daunting task of preparing four years of intensive B. Tech subjects for one exam make it difficult nonetheless. Like every year, GATE 2019 will be conducted in the first and second week of February only in computer-based mode.

Besides admission for PG courses, GATE 2019 Scores will be accepted by many public sector companies as a direct criterion for placement. These companies have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the IITs which allows candidates to apply for PSUs on the basis of GATE scores.

GATE 2019 will be conducted by IIT Guwahati.

GATE 2019: Important Dates

Though GATE 2019 is still some time away, the GATE 2019 notification came out last month itself. Application process has already got underway.GATE 2019 date is not fixed but held across six phases in the first and second week of February.



GATE 2019 Online Application Form release                  

September 1, 2017

Last Date for GATE 2019 Application Form submission  

October 5, 2017   

Last Date to change Exam city                     

November 17, 2017

GATE 2019 Admit Card release                                       

January 5, 2019

GATE 2019 Examination Date                      

February 3, 4, 11 and 12

GATE 2019 Answer Key release                                      

Few days after GATE 2019

GATE 2019 Result Declaration                                         

March 17, 2019

Counselling commencement

Second week of April

GATE 2019: Registration

The application process for GATE 2019 will be done online. Like mentioned before, registration for GATE 2019 began on September 1. Some salient points to remember while completing GATE 2019 registration are mentioned below.

  • Last date for registration for GATE 2019 is October 5
  • Register as new user during GATE 2019 application process
  • Successful registration will yield the candidate access to GATE Online Processing System(GOAPS). Candidates will have to use GOAPS username and password for logging into the exam portal in the future to check for errors in GATE 2019 Application Form.
  • Applicants will need to upload scanned copy of photograph and signature during GATE 2019 registration process.
  • Foreign candidates can also apply for GATE 2019. International exam centres include, UAE, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nepal, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
  • Foreign candidates will have to carry passports while appearing for GATE 2019.

GATE 2019 Registration Fee

GATE 2019 fee payment will have to be done online as well. Applicants can use net banking, debit card or e-challan to make payment.


GATE 2019 Fees

Women candidates          

Rs. 750

SC/ST/PwD Candidates

Rs. 750

All other categories          

Rs. 1500

GATE 2019 Corrections

To edit details on the submitted form for GATE 2019, applicants will have to send an email to the exam conveners stating the area they want to change along with document proof. Fields which can be changed are-

  1. Name of Candidate
  2. DOB
  3. Name of Parent/Guardian
  4. Status from Gen to OBC and OBC to General
  5. Graduation Degree
  6. Year of Qualifying Degree

GATE 2019 Eligibility

Due to GATE 2019 being an entrance exam for PG courses, thorough verification has to be done to confirm the applicant's graduation information. Like every year, the IITs have thrown a wide net, allowing BSc, MSc and professional certification students to sit for the GATE 2019 exam as well. A list of GATE 2019 eligibility criteria is given below

Graduation Degree

Details of graduating degree

Graduation status

Year of passing

B.Tech/B.E/B Pharm

Four year B.Tech after secondary education or lateral entry after three year BSc or Diploma.

In final year of degree or completed



Five year degree in Architecture. Final year students can apply

In final year of degree or completed



Four year degree in science

In final year of degree or completed



Master’s degree in Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent

In final year of degree or completed


Integrated M.E/M.Tech (Post B.Sc

Four years after B.Sc integrated Master’s programme in Technology

Presently in 2nd/3rd/4th year or completed


Integrated M.E/M.Tech or dual degree

Five year dual degree Master’s programme

In 4th /5th year or completed



Integrated M.Sc/B.S+M.S

Integrated B.Sc +M.Sc degree

In final year or completed


Professional Society Examination 

Professional Society examinations equivalent to B.Tech/B.E/B.Pharm

Completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses


Students have to upload graduate degree during GATE 2019 application process. Applicants in their final year are required to upload an NOC from the Dean/Principal of the institution to appear for GATE 2019.

GATE 2019: Exam Pattern

Some details of the GATE 2019 exam are tabulated below.


GATE 2019 is being conducted for admission M.Tech/Ph.D programmes in IITs, IISc and other institutions

Number of papers

GATE 2019 will have a total of 23 papers. Each candidate can attempt only one of them

Mode of exam

GATE 2019 will only be computer based

Exam Duration

Three hours

Number of questions

65 questions for a maximum of 100 marks

Type of questions

Multiple Choice questions (MCQs) and Numerical Answer Questions (NAT)

Common sections

General Affairs (GA) will be common across all papers

New sections for GATE 2019

XE paper has a new section called Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, carrying on from GATE 2017

Marking Scheme

Questions will carry one or two marks

Negative Marking

Questions carrying one mark will have 1/3rd negative mark. Consequently questions carrying two marks will have 2/3rd negative marking

Exam Pattern for papers except GG, XE and XL

·         25 questions of one mark each

·         30 questions of two marks each

·         10 questions from GA

Exam pattern for GG

·         25 questions of one mark each

·         30 questions of two marks each. This part has two sections where section 1 is geology and section 2 is geophysics.

·         10 questions from GA


Exam pattern for XE

·         Mathematics section. Out of 11 asked questions, 7 will be one mark and four will be two marks questions

·         Any two sections from B-H in XE paper. Total twenty questions, ten one mark and ten two marks questions

·         Ten questions from GA

Exam pattern for XL

·         Chemistry section is compulsory containing 15 questions. Five questions carry one mark and ten carry two marks each

·         Any two sections for Q-U in XL paper. Total twenty questions, ten one mark and ten two marks questions

·         10 questions from GA

GATE 2019: Syllabus

Each of the 23 papers prepared by the IITs for GATE 2019has a different syllabus. While some sections remain common across all streams, branch specific questionsare drawn from a specificGATE 2019 syllabus. The GATE 2019 exam portal has a list of syllabi for all 23 streams of engineering and sciences.

Get Updated Review ( Voice Based Alumni Feeback)

  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Lovely Professional University - [LPU] – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Amity University – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - DIT University Dehradoon – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - SRM University Sonipat – Click Here
  • Check Review (Alumni Feedback) - Ansal University – Click Here

GATE 2019: Admit Card

The Admit card will be made available to the candidates on January 5, 2019 on GATE 2019 official website.Along with the hard copy of the GATE 2019 admit card, candidates will need to carry one valid ID proof.

GATE 2019: Answer Key

GATE 2019 answer key will be released a few days after the exam. IIT Guwahati, GATE 2019 convener will release the key. The facility to challenge the GATE 2019 answer key will be available but would require the payment of a token fee.

GATE 2019: Result

The result for GATE 2019 will be released tentatively on March 17, 2019.

GATE 2019: Score Card

GATE 2019 scorecard will be available for download after the announcement of the result. The score card will be valid for three years and can be during M.Tech counseling or PSU recruitment.

GATE 2019: Cutoff

The GATE 2019 cutoff will be released after the results are declared. The cutoff score is the minimum a student needs to cross to be able to sit for counselling in the IITs and IISc.

GATE 2019 cutoff is expected to be low due to the specific nature of the exam and the vast syllabus in question. GATE 2017 cutoff is tabulated below.







Electronic and Communication





Civil Engineering





Electrical Engineering





Mechanical Engineering





Computer Science and IT





Instrumentation Engineering





Chemical Engineering









GATE 2019: PSU Recruitment

The lure of direct placement in a prominent PSU has lent weight to the importance of GATE 2019. Back in 2012, a group of PSUs started recruiting candidates based on their GATE scores. This trend has now gained wide acceptance amongst other PSUs to rely on GATE scores for recruitment.

PSUs such as BHEL, GAIL, NHPC, BSNL, DMRC and others will again be using GATE 2019 scores as a defining parameter for recruitment. Breaking their hiring record, BSNL hired over 2500 GATE candidates earlier this year. In an uncertain job market, direct placement in PSU based on GATE 2019 score is an incredible prospect for graduates. The cutoff set by some prominent PSUs over the years has been listed below.

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GATE stats: Students appearing for GATE against the number of students qualifying

HAL GATE 2017 cutoff


Lowest Cutoff

Highest Cutoff

Management Trainee(Civil)



Design Trainee



Technical Trainee



BBNL GATE 2017cutoff









NTPC GATE 2017 Cutoff





































GATE 2019: Importance of M.Tech

While some consider a higher education from IIT as a less ambitious goal compared to other foreign universities, there is no doubt regarding the brand name of IIT itself. Increase of research output and published papers every year is slowly lifting the rusty image of PG courses in India.

In India, only the IITs can boast of having a worthwhile Master’s programme when it comes to engineering and technology. The future of PG courses is crucial for the development of the country. If top minds in engineering and technology keep jumping ship to pursue careers in banking and business sectors, the scientific output of a developing country like India will be severely depleted.

It is thus essential to improve our country’s science programme and to strive for improvement in technology and engineering.

GATE 2019: Preparation and planning

Many students often deem planning as a mistake itself. Simply picking up a book and start solving questions does seem an easy way of doing things, but studying without direction and organization is as bad as not studying at all.

Setting about preparing for a competitive exam like GATE requires tenacity and patience. With a long haul of studying left between now and February, here are a few preparation tips while time draws near to GATE 2019

1. Hash out the perfect short-term and long-term timetable

‘Plans are nothing, planning is everything’ – Dwight D. Eisenhower

The details always seem to constrain. Which part deserves more leverage? What time of the day is ideal? What percentage of the syllabus should be completed by December?

The answer doesn’t lie in the details, but in the overall design.E ach candidate needs his/her own space in dealing with targets and goals. While time-dependent targets can be independent, the very practice of planning is essential.

A realistic and flexible timetable followed rigidly will always result in proper GATE 2019 preparation. Setting goals according to one’s speed always prove beneficial and give plenty of room for improvement. Short term goals should ideally be set for daily or weekly basis while long-term targets should be organized monthly to get a clear sense of where the preparation is headed

Each achieved goal bolsters a candidate’s confidence and pushes him/her further towards the promised land.

2. Creating a perfect storm

‘There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in the storm’ – Willa Cather

GATE preparation requires the mind and soul working in synergy. For a few months’ time, nothing should command more importance in an aspirant’s life.

Nothing is normal about this. To sacrifice comforts and pleasures one enjoys on a daily basis for the sake of an exam is normal, but to do it for five to six months is downright criminal.

This is why one needs to create a storm. Not a literal one, but a metaphorical one nonetheless. Treating tough times like a storm one has to weather and fight not only helps a candidate to focus, but it builds character and conviction to face any adversity which may come.

3. Knowing strengths and weaknesses

‘Sometimes you don’t know your strength until you face your greatest flaw’

This is true for all walks of all life, let alone GATE 2019. People spend days upon days trying to perfect flaws without caring where their true strength lies.

To prepare for GATE 2019, which is a true summation of everything one learned during their gruelling years in graduation is punishing in its own right. To grapple with this mountain of problems, aspirants always spend a majority of their time trying to assess where they’re weak.

The greatest athletes, actors, writers and artists always turn to their strengths when faced with great adversity. Why isn’t this principle then valid for students?

It is necessary to remove faults, yes, but it’s even more imperative to sharpen the blade. Focussing too much on things which make you weak is a counterproductive exercise. Always propel your strengths and sweep your weaknesses. Practise previous year GATE papers to tackle questions in an exam-simulated environment. This is one of the greatest principles of exam preparation or GATE 2019 for that matter.

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